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Breakdown in Taloway
Stories » Breakdown in Taloway
So. Here you are. About to be murdered by your best friend. But let's explain how you got here first.

You were out on a training flight on one of the Empire's core worlds. It wasn't a normal flight, since you were copiloting for Echo, the painted dog currently standing before you, and one of your closest confidants. The two of you don't normally fly together, since you both have your own backseaters. But Echo was in the process of upgrading to an instructor position, and you were the only qualified evaluator available for her checkride. So the two of you planned out the mission together. Despite the potential conflict of interests being such good friends, it only made sense. As an evaluator, you knew how to be objective and impartial. And the squadron was really hurting for more instructors. Too many rookies as of late, with the recent recruitment drives.

It was quite a long flight, traversing one of the planet's larger oceans, but that was necessary to be able to hit the required upgrade items. You are currently at your first stop over, a major IMC installation with refueling capabilities. It wasn't in the original plan to stop overnight, but unfortunately, when Echo was doing her checks, she found some issues that grounded the aircraft. The two of you were stuck until local maintenance could check it out. A stroke of bad luck, for sure, but not every day is always going to be smooth seas and clear skies. Coincidentally, this station happens to be located on a tropical island which serves as a popular vacation destination across the Empire. So it isn't all bad. You're quite certain the two things had nothing to do with each other. Also coincidentally, when Echo went to secure lodging for the night, she reported back the base facilities were all full. That meant you were going to have to stay out in town, on government dime. You weren't going to question that one either.

Fate is a cruel mistress, it seems. Because despite all your planning, tragedy struck for a third time that day. The only places out in town were all resorts, and quite pricey ones at that. There was no way you were going to get reimbursed on your travel voucher at the rates they're charging. But Echo is a smart gal. She insisted that the two of you would just have to share a room and split the cost. That would bring it just under the official government rate, and you'd both get away scot-free. A sensible solution, even if it meant having to put up with a roommate like her. Woe is you.

The rest of the day went fine, with you and Echo hanging out on the beach and grabbing dinner, since you had time to kill. That evening, Echo had gone back to the room to get ready for bed early. No doubt the woman had plenty of womanly things to take care of, and you wanted to give her some privacy in the room for a bit. So you made an excuse to head back to base and check on the status of the aircraft. No change there though. You weren't expecting one anyway. The techs wouldn't have had time to check out the Queen yet. So you made your way back to the resort, and that's where you found yourself now.

You had just stepped through the threshold of the doorway when you heard the shower on at full blast. A catchy tune and a sing-songy voice can be heard clear as day, because the bathroom door, immediately on your right, is still wide open. You have a clear view of your feminine compatriot in all her glory, nude as the day she was born, and without a care in the world. It is one hell of a sight. Your jaw is still resting on the floor from how insensate you are. But fuck. You aren't in that kind of a relationship with her. In about ten seconds, when she finally notices you starring, no doubt she's going to beat the ever-living crap out of you. But hell. Maybe it was worth it, for the view alone.
Kirov artistcommissioner
Alexandra Rawley
Gallery (128)
Captain, IIS Pungwe
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