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Unforseen Delays
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An Aussie shepard stewardess strutted between the seats of the Arcadia Spaceways shuttle just as she'd done a thousand times before, checking to make sure that each passenger was securely fashioned. With an elegant grace to her step, her paws made barely an audible whisper as she stepped through the aisle. The deep blue cloth and gold stripes of her sharp stewardess' uniform complimented her white fur with black and tan highlights, which she worked hard to keep exquisitely groomed. A professional smile beamed from her face as she drew more than few looks from the male passengers. Internally, she giggled to herself at the thought of their eyes being drawn to her long, slender legs, highlighted by the particularly short and tight skirt she had chosen to wear today. It was so short, in fact, it had drawn a few comments from her fellow stewardess. "Is that even in regs?" the coyote had asked earlier, astounded by her audacity.

Up ahead, a rather fetching Malamute was still struggling to fit his luggage inside the overhead compartment, grunting with effort as he tried to jam it inside. The Aussie locked eyes on her target and moved in. She placed a hand on his should with the lightest of touches. "Please take a seat, Sir. I'll handle your luggage."

"Oh, thank you," the Malamute said as he sat down. The stewardess took his bag, but rather than trying to stuff it in the same spot, she shut the compartment door and turned around. Facing away from him, she opened the bin on the other side of the aisle, where there was still much more room. She reached up to carefully place the bag inside. Her outstretched arms lifted her taught uniform, and she took deliberate care to arch her back, jut out her rear, and lift her tail. She smiled yet again at the sound of an audible gasp behind her.

The Malamute's pupils went wide, and he found it hard not to stare at the mouth-watering sight set right before his eyes. The stewardess' incredibly short skirt had ridden up to reveal that she was not wearing panties. Level with his face was an exposed canine pussy, just barely visible underneath the hem of the skirt which hid the round, plush curves of her bottom. He couldn't help but lick his chops. But just as quickly as the moment came, so too did it pass. The Aussie shepherd had finished securing his luggage and twirled back around, the tip of her fluffy tail lightly catching the man on his nose as she did.

Ever one to keep a professional demeanor, she looked at him with the brightest of smiles on her face and clasped her hands together. "I hope you enjoy the flight, Sir! There will be plenty of sights to see as we make our way past the station momentarily."

"I... er... thank you. You too." The Malamute blushed and cast his eyes downward, unable to meet her gaze. She simply nodded and moved on down the aisle.

Empowered by the encounter, she was as confident as a wolf stalking lambs while she continued with the rest of her pre-flight checks. But when she returned to the head of the spacecraft, her heart nearly skipped a beat. Standing at the shuttle's entrance was the spacecraft commander, a tall, dark, and handsome German shepherd by the name of Captain Torque. His arms were crossed, and a single clawed finger tapped impatiently as he waited for her to step closer.

"Shaula," he uttered. She drew a short breath. "We need to talk." He stepped inside the cockpit, gesturing for her to follow. Blood rushed to her floppy ears as she blushed. Where was the co-pilot? Had he sent him off somewhere else for the moment? Her heart fluttered as the door clicked shut behind the couple of canines.

"Shaula," he began again. "What the hell is this?" He gestured to her navy blue uniform, as prim and proper as could be, minus the short skirt which had clearly been modified from it's standard fit. "That is not regulation length." Captain Torque ran a tight ship, and while he was normally very reserved, the frustration was clear in his tone as he let loose with his admonishments. "And I saw that stunt you pulled out there. What kind of reputation do you think that sets for Arcadia? What kind of reputation do you think that sets for my ship?" His voice was becoming slightly elevated now. He was normally so kind and sweet with her, so the change in tone was a shock. Shaula had half a mind to break down into tears right then and there, as the pilot she admired so much seemed so disappointed in her.

But no. She wasn't going to give in. All her life, she'd always been a good girl. Getting good grades in school, listening to her parents, staying away from boys. Following the rules and pleasing the company, once she got a job with Arcadia. This little act of rebellion had felt so... liberating. And with the co-pilot gone, alone in a room with her crush... This was an opportunity she wasn't going to let slip by her because of the damn rules. Fuck the rules.

As the Captain continued to lay in to her, she pulled herself together and fortified her mental resolve. Standing rigid and at attention, in the most professional voice she could muster, she said, "I'm sorry Captain Torque."

"Well being sorry doesn't cut it. I understand maybe the company is a bit tight sometimes. But we have a job to do, and a public reputation to uphold, so I need you to shape up and be presentable. Our jobs could be on the line for this!"

She wasn't really listening to his words though. "I'm sorry Captain", she repeated. "It was entirely my fault, and I'm to blame." Caught off guard by her reaction, he nodded and let her continue. "I will take full responsibility for the incident, and face whatever consequences will come of it." He hadn't expected such humbleness in her response. He had certainly lost his temper a bit, and now he was regretting going so hard on her. "In fact, I've been a very bad bitch."

The pilot blinked in stark surprise. "I... what?"

Shaula turned around and bent forward slightly to place her hands on the cockpit chair, starring the male in the eyes the whole time. She continued to speak with a professional tone, as if it were a perfectly normal conversation to have with her boss. "I've been a bad bitch, Captain Torque. You're going to have to punish me." She lifted her tail and wiggled her hips, entreating him to the same view she had given the Malamute earlier.

"Shaula... I..." The uptight Captain was stunned.

"Don't think, Max. Just do." She shifted to a softer, sultrier tone. "I'm tired of following the rules. I want to let loose. I want to be free." She gave him her best bedroom eyes. "And I want to do that with you."

The dark brown canine gulped at her words. The normally calm and collected Captain was suddenly at a loss for what to do, feeling embarrassed and out of his element. But the Aussie persisted, wiggling her hips once more and showing off her delectable pussy, now dripping with arousal.

Letting his emotions guide him, he finally came to a decision. The stern and professional pilot loosened his belt buckle and unzipped his pants. Shaula let out an excited whine as his fuzzy sheath came into view, the tip of his canine shaft already poking through. He stepped up behind the stewardess and readied himself for what was to come. He really liked Shaula, and it was clear the feeling was mutual. But if he was going to do this, he was going to do it his way. She had stepped out of line, so it was necessary to assert his authority as Captain. It was time for some corrective action.

"Alright bitch." He groped her ass through her taught skirt, feeling how plump it was. "Since you've been so bad, I'm going to have to issue some old-fashioned discipline." He lifted her skirt up the rest of they way and pressed himself up against her rear. His cock was fully exposed now, save for the knot just beginning to swell within his sheath. Shaula whined beneath him, now eager for her "punishment."

The Captain slipped his penis between her thighs, rubbing it's length slowly across her moist lips. "But before we begin, I need to make sure you know what you're being punished for. So tell me, bitch, what did you do wrong?"

Shaula was enthralled with his touch and his words. Being called such a name was normally insulting, but here, with him, in this situation... it felt so naughty, yet so arousing. "I...I modified my skirt to be out of regs," she answered promptly.

"And?" the shepherd asked with another slow thrust between her thighs.

"And I showed my pussy to the passengers." It was true, but it felt so strange to verbally acknowledge it.

"That's right. You're a bad bitch for showing off your pussy. And do you know why?" Torque squeezed her butt again as he rubbed himself against her nethers. He didn't wait for her answer though. Instead, he shifted his right hand to grab her by the scruff of her neck, roughly pressing her up against the cockpit chair. "It's because I'm the Captain, and this is my spacecraft. I control what happens onboard. And that means I control who you show your pussy to. Understand?"

"Yes..." Shaula panted out, her arousal building.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Captain Torque."

"Good. Now we can administer your punishment." The German shepherd brought the tip of his red shaft to the stewardess' entrance and slowly pressed inside. Shaula gasped and moaned at the feeling of bliss as she was spread apart. Captain Torque grunted as he was engulfed in the tightness of her pussy. Halfway inside, he paused to look down and admire her body. Her well-kept uniform was now disheveled and messy. Her ass hung halfway out of her skimpy skirt, and her tail was wagging up a storm.

He grinned, and roughly thrust himself the rest of the way in. Shaula screamed in ecstasy as she was penetrated, but the Captain didn't let up. He pulled out until just the tip was left inside, then quickly slammed himself back inside. He repeated the aggressive thrusts several times before pausing yet again. "So," he began, switching to long, slow thrusts. "This is what happens when you wear a skimpy skirt to work. What have we learned so far?"

Shaula shuddered a bit before she could recover enough to answer. "I'll.. I'll be sure to do it again then, Sir," she panted out in lust.

Captain Torque growled angrily at her response. "Not enough punishment then. Hope you're ready for another round." He slapped her ass and watched as it jiggled before resuming his more rapid pace. This time, the bulge of his knot slapped against her lips on every thrust, filling the small cabin with a series of lewd plaps. Shaula grunted and moaned at his rough handling, loving every moment.

After the second round, he paused yet again to ask the same question. Again, the panting stewardess took a moment to gather herself before replying. "I... I should have... should have done this sooner." She attempted to thrust back into his crotch, eager to feel him inside her again, but his firm grip kept her rooted against the chair.

The Captain's growl was deeper this time, and he lashed out with his teeth at the tip of her tail as it waved playfully in front of him. He missed as she pulled away at the last second. In retaliation, he tightened his grip before pulling her up and shoving her against the cabin wall. He pressed his body up against her own lithe form, trapping her where she stood. "I am going to knot that pussy of yours. And I'm going to fuck you senseless until you learn your lesson."

"Heh, try me." She was nearly lifted off her feet with his first thrust. The soundproofing of the cabin was being tested to it's limits as the air was filled with their combined grunts, pants, and screams, but neither of them cared. The third round was the most intense, and it was some time before the pace began to change. Max's thrusts became slower, but more vigorous, his knot aching to tie with the bitch. With one final, zealous thrust, the throbbing bulge slipped inside her vent, and the prim and proper stewardess screamed in delight.

"Grrrr. What do you have to say for yourself now?"

Shaula panted and moaned, too focused on the feeling of his cum spurting away inside her, and the tightening spasms of her own orgasm milking his cock for all it was worth.

"That's what I thought." In a sudden shift in tone, he loosed his grip to give her some breathing room and hugged her from behind with a loving embrace."You've been a bad bitch. But this is my spacecraft, so you're my bitch." He nuzzled into her neck fluff and lapped at her face in a sign of canine affection, reinforcing his words after his rough treatment.

The Aussie sighed in contentment. "I..." she needed a moment to catch her breath. "I wouldn't have it any other way," she shot back at him.

"Here's the deal then," he said, continuing to nuzzle her. "From now on, you will not wear panties with your uniform. I want easy access to my pussy on every flight from here on out." Shaula shuddered at the thought. The idea of being his bitch was so wild, it was something she would have never conceived of before. But now, held in his warm embrace, she just couldn't help but submit to his commanding presence. She wanted to be his.

"But we can't have you flashing the passengers. It's my pussy, so only I get to see it. You will wear a regulation length skirt from here on out. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain," she said. Here she was, following the rules again. But she thought she might enjoy following orders this time around. She was already looking forward to the next flight, even as they stood there together, waiting for Max's knot to deflate while the passengers no doubt waited impatiently for the unforeseen delay.
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Flight Attendant, Arcadia Spaceways
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