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Blending In 3
Stories » Blending In 3
Alexandra’s padded paws were silent as she trod across the savanna, escorted by a young coyote male at her side. Having departed the coyote tribal village in the early morning, they finally reached the edge of the sun-baked dunes. The transition from harsh desert sands to the vegetated grasslands was a welcome one, and the temperature was already considerably cooler.

Her time with the Odaka tribe had been fun, but it hadn’t brought her any closer to fixing her spaceship. The time spent with the fennecs was likewise fruitless, and now she was once again setting out in hopes of finding someone with the infrastructure to help her.

Still, she was happy to have visited.

Rumors of a painted dog descended from the stars had preceded her, and she was greeted as a goddess when she first arrived in the village. She quickly put an end to that tall tale, telling them that yes, she had fallen out of the sky, but no, she wasn’t a goddess. They were a hospitable folk though, unusual for the tribal conflicts that often pierced this land. Even if they knew she wasn’t a literal goddess, they still seemed to enjoy the prospect of treating her like one. They presented her with a golden star pendant, as an offering to the “divinely beautiful Goddess of the Stars, Eko.” The twinkle in the eyes of the men presenting the gift did not go unnoticed. The surrounding crowd was enraptured in anticipation of her response. She played along, graciously accepting the gift, and then happily immersed herself in the ensuing celebrations they had prepared.

But her thoughts were interrupted when her companion, who had introduced himself as Kyo, came to a stop before her. “This is as far as I can take you,” he said. “I’ll need to turn back here if I’m to make it back before sundown. But the rest of the way is simple,” he gestured in a westwardly direction. “Follow the sun until you reach the river. You should have no problems making it that far before nightfall. You can follow it downstream to the next village.”

“Thank you!” Alex smiled at him as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “I guess this is goodbye then.” She not-so-subtly eyed him up and down as she stepped closer. He was dressed in little more than a loincloth to ward off the heat. To say the least, she had a nice view of his musculature. He was a fine specimen, even if not as burly as some of the other coyotes. And reminiscing the prior days’ celebrations had gotten her in the mood again. “Does your tribe have any special rituals for saying goodbye to a goddess?” she asked flirtatiously, playing into the situation. Her other hand trailed down his side, evoking a cute blush.

“N...not really. We’ve never been visited by a ‘goddess’ before.” Normally, she would never have been so forward, but a girl had her needs. She worked hard to maintain her figure, and she knew it was a damn good one. Not precluding the fact that it was all she had to offer to the people who had been so kind and helpful since her crash-landing on this planet. Building positive relationships would be crucial if she wanted to get anywhere in this world. Besides, “when in Rome…” was quickly becoming her mantra.

“Well,” she turned away and dropped to all fours. She had long since forgone her flight suit in favor of the locals’ loincloths. Similar to the coyote’s own, it left little to the imagination. With her tail raised, white tail tip waving in the air, he was treated to a tantalizing view. “You’ve been such a helpful guide. It’d be a shame if I left without something to remember you by.” She looked pleadingly at him over her shoulder as she reached behind her, grabbing the leather string which held her clothing in place. “Wouldn’t it?” She pulled slowly at the drawstring, and the cloth fell away to reveal her dripping pussy, perfectly framed in a patch of white fur.

Unable to resist, Kyo quickly stripped out of his own gear and knelt down behind her. “That it would, Eko,” he responded as a grin broke out across his face. The red tip of his canine cock was already poking through his furry sheath. Alex let out a moan as he lined himself up, rubbing his member against the moist lips of her entrance. Grabbing her by the hips, he slowly thrust between her thighs, allowing her dripping feminine juices to lube him up for what was to ensue.

“Ah, yes, that’s it,” Alex moaned out. “Your Goddess demands another offering.” She continued to lean into the motif, the kinkiness of the roleplay exciting her.
Kyo leaned over her back and nibbled lightly on one of her large, round ears. “Then I will offer all I have to her,” he growled lightly. He gave her cheek a lick before pulling back, then thrust forward, hilting his now fully erect cock down to the bulge of his slowly expanding knot.

Alex cried out into the open air of the grassy plains, not caring if anyone heard her. “Yes!” Kyo pulled back, leaving just his tip to tease her entrance, before slamming back in again. Slowly, he escalated the pace, repeatedly pounding his hips into her plush rear. It wasn’t long before a rapid staccato of plaps and smacks filled the air, hardly muffled by the surrounding brush, while the two canines rutted as nature intended.

The sun continued its arc overhead as the pair lost themselves in the throes of passion. Kyo’s grip suddenly tightened on Alex’s hips, demanding control over her body. “I’m… gonna...” He was rendered speechless as he thrust ever harder into her tight, slick hole. Alex understood him perfectly.

"That’s it, fuck me,” she said, eager to climax. “Fuck your Goddess. Fuck her like the slut she is.” Kyo, no longer able to hold back, used the last of his strength to give one final, savage thrust. His knot, nearly engorged to full size, popped itself inside her. Alex cried out in delight and shuddered uncontrollably as she came on his dick.

“F-fuck,” Kyo stammered as he came in unison with his partner, flooding her insides with his offering.

“Ahn! So m-much...” Alex panted. She could feel his member throb inside her as he continued to cum, each splurt pumping a load of virile coyote seed straight into her womb.

Weak from his orgasm, Kyo leaned down over his partner’s back, and the two collapsed to the ground together. The coyote cuddled Alex even as he continued to pump her full of his cum, settling in for that post-coital period where they would be locked together by his knot. The painted dog did her best to return his affection from her position, her tail attempting to wag as it was pressed between their bodies. “A suitable offering,” she sighed contentedly. “Are you sure you can’t take me a bit further though? Imagine the scandal when you return if everyone hears you left your goddess to herself, alone and cold in the night.”

The male paused to consider her well-crafted argument. “Well,” he said, the reluctance in his voice clearly forced. “I don’t think anybody would mind if I came back a day or two late. After all, I couldn’t leave Eko without a guide through the dangers of the mortal world.”

Alex smiled and nuzzled into him. If she wasn’t able to find the parts she needed to fix her spaceship, she could probably get used to living here. It seemed she was finally blending in.
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Alexandra Rawley
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Captain, IIS Pungwe
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