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The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 13
Stories » The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 13
Chapter thirteen- Clash of Wolves

Following her fight at the Docklands, Anna was feeling hungry and decided to take a quick break. She stopped at a street not too far from the Natural History Museum and found a perfect place to rest- in a tree near one of the houses. The lights were all off, meaning the owners were asleep- so Anna felt no one would notice her. She just had to be quiet. Having a silent rummage in her backpack, she found her sandwiches and started eating them. As she ate, she leaned back on her perch and started thinking about the night's events.

"Not bad for a night's work, really. Stopped a few bad guys, saved some people... I'm feeling great! Dunno if it'll be enough to make a real difference, but every little helps right? I think I might even be getting a little better at fighting, though I still have a way to go before I'm anywhere near competent. Wonder how Kelly's holding up? I'll have to give her a buzz once I'm done here. It'd be interesting to see what she looks like as a werewolf, actually. Who knows, maybe after tonight she might even come and fight crime with me! At the very least, she's given me these nice toys, so I don't see why she couldn't go the whole hog and tag along. Well, that'll have to wait. In the meantime, the night is still young. Better finish up here and see what else there is to do tonight..."

Anna polished off the rest of her sandwiches got up from her perch in the tree. She immediately leaped across to the next tree and ran along the branch- only for it to give way. Anna tumbled and fell, landing directly onto a balcony right next to the tree.

"O-ow! Not again... How many times did Miyuki tell me to watch my weight when on trees? Dammit... Better make myself scarce before someone-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Anna was immediately caught off guard by the sound of the balcony door opening behind her.

"-spots me..."

"N-NO! Keep away from me!"

Amy had been running from the beast for quite some time. The adrenaline rush had been so big she couldn't even determine how long she had been running for. All she knew was she was even deeper into the forest than she'd hoped. The monster was still giving chase behind her, and getting closer. She was running out of breath and realised she couldn't keep running for much longer. Her pursuer on the other hand looked like it keep going for days. Finally, her legs gave away and she fell. Lying on the ground, she turned around and saw the monster slow down and creep towards her. She scurried back as quick as she could, and caught a proper glimpse of the monster as she did. It was an eight foot tall wolf, standing on it's hind legs and covered in grey fur. Amy shielded her face with her arms and braced herself for the inevitable, but before the creature could strike, a blur flashed by and tackled it to the ground.

"What the hell?"

Struggling with the beast was another wolf, but this one appeared more human. It was wearing a white hoodie, and Amy could see light brown fur on it's bare legs. Bizarrely, it also had proper hair on it's head. Pink hair. Eventually, the humanoid wolf flipped it's more beast like counterpart into the trees in the distance, causing them to collapse under it's weight.

"Come with me if you want to live." said the humanoid wolf as it held it's hand out to Amy. "Or not get turned. Or both. I prefer both."

Amy wasn't sure what was going on, but something about this particular wolf looked like it could be trusted. She took a good look at it's face, and saw it's muzzle was covered in creamy brown fur, while the rest of it's face was covered in the same light brown fur as her legs. The irises of it's eyes were also a beautiful yellow colour. It looked female in appearance, and was surprisingly beautiful.

"Uh... Okay." said Amy, grabbing the wolf's paw. In that instant, it immediately sped off in the opposite direction with Amy in tow.

As soon as she heard the balcony door opening, Anna turned around fearing the worst. In front of her was a small boy who didn't look any older than four. He rubbed his eyes a little bit and looked at Anna. Instead of being scared though, he looked at her in amazement.


"Uh.. hi?" Anna replied nervously.

"Hi! Who are you?"

"Ah... Um... I'm, uh..."

"Whoa. Is your tail real?"

The boy excitedly pulled on Anna's tail, causing her to give out a canine whelp.

"Ow! Y-yes, it's real. And it really hurts when you pull on it like that!"

"I'm sorry..." said the boy, looking genuinely apologetic. "Are you a dog?"

"No. I'm... I'm a werewolf."

"A werewolf?. Does that mean you gobble people up?"

Anna chuckled.

"Don't worry. I only gobble up the bad guys. I've been fighting a lot of them tonight."

"Like a superhero? You're a superhero? Oh, wow!"

"Shh shhshh. You don't want to wake up your mummy and daddy, do you? But yes, I guess I am a superhero. I haven't been doing this for very long, though. This has been my first real night on the job."

"Do you have real gadgets in that belt? Let me see!"

"Yes, I do have a few gadgets. They're a bit dangerous though, so it's probably best I don't show you. I can show you my watch though. It has a timer for the next full moon and a communicator built in. It's pretty cool."

Anna showed the boy the timer on her watch. It read zero, since the moon was still out.

"That's so cool! What's your name?"

"Er... My name?"

Anna stopped to think.

"Dammit. Can't tell him my real name. Secret identity and all that. I need another name. C'mon Anna, think!"

Anna looked around the street until her eyes caught the sight of a little girl's window on the other side of the street. On the windowsill was a plushie of a certain alicorn princess from a certain cartoon show.

"Perfect!" she thought as she turned back to the boy.

"Luna. Call me Luna."

"That's a really pretty name."

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?" Anna thought. "I'd say it actually suits me, too. I mean, I kind of look like a Luna with my fur colours, don't I? Plus, with the whole full moon thing... It just fits!"

"Thank you." Anna said out loud, blushing. Suddenly, her watch started beeping.

"Is someone trying to call you?"

"Yeah. Let me get this a second, okay?"

Anna held down the top right button of her watch and heard Kelly's voice from the speaker.

"Hey, you there? We have a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"Well, long story short. I have a... friend here who's in trouble. She's being chased by a feral."

"A feral? That sounds bad... Was she bitten?"

"No. I rescued her in time. However, it didn't go down for long. I think it's still after us. I could use a little help if you aren't too busy..."

"Okay. I'll be right there. Stand tight."

Anna ended the transmission and turned back to the boy.

"Sorry, kid. Duty calls. Someone's in trouble and I have to go help. Nice meeting you, though."

Anna turned away and was about to leave when the boy tugged on the back fabric of her costume.

"Huh? What's up?"

The boy slid down one of his pyjama sleeves to reveal a purple headband, which he then removed.

"Here. This gives me good luck. It'll bring you luck too."

"Really? Aww, thanks. That's very kind of you."

Anna took the gift and put her hair up into a ponytail, holding it in place with the hairband. She then had a quick look at her reflection in the window.

"Heh, I look good with a ponytail. Thank you. I'll treasure this. Well, I gotta go now. Be a good boy for your mummy and daddy now, okay?"

"I will. Go get 'em, Luna!"

Anna chuckled and leaped over the railing before slipping into the darkness.

Kelly looked over at Amy, who was catching her breath. She couldn't believe another of her friends would be targeted like that. First Anna, then herself, and now Amy. What she didn't know was that Kisa had also just been attacked herself...

"Anna had better get here soon..." she thought as Amy turned towards her.

"S-so... What was that thing? What are you, for that matter?"

"We're both werewolves." Kelly replied. "Except that one's a feral, and I'm not. Ferals are always violent, and normal ones are only violent when it comes to defending themselves. Or, in this case, other people."

"So you're not going to hurt me too?"

"If I was, I'd have done so by now. No, I'm perfectly friendly. But just so you know- that feral is probably still after us. We'll need to move on in a minute."

"Where to?"

"I'll take you out of this forest. Then you can run to somewhere where there's lot of people. It won't dare show itself in public. I hope, anyway..."

"You hope? Well, I'll take that over nothing. So... What do I call you?"

Kelly racked her brains a little. Much like Anna with the boy, she couldn't tell Amy who she really was.

"What to call me? Umm... Brains'll do. It's as good a name as any."

"Okay then, Brains. Lead the way."

As Anna, who had decided to stick to her new code name of Luna, rushed to find Kelly and Amy, she realised she didn't think to ask where they were. For all she knew, they could be have been on the other side of London.

"That's something you can add to this watch, Kel." she thought as she turned on the communicator. "A tracking device so we can find each other..."

"Hey, what's up?" Brains asked over the communicator.

"Where are you guys?" Luna replied. "Sorry, I should have asked first."

"Okay, let's think. I'm... not one hundred percent sure. Never really wandered the forests around here, you know? Damn. Remind me to put some kind of tracking device on these watches sometime."

"Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing. Where's the last place you remember?"

Suddenly, Luna's ears caught the sound of a scream in the distance.

"Agh! W-what the hell? Get back! I said get back, dammit! No! N-URRK!"

"Oh god, what the hell was that?" said Luna.

"What was what?" Brains replied.

"Someone screamed, and it sounds like they got killed by something. I think it came from the Natural History Museum. It's pretty close by. Sorry Kel, but I may need to check that out. It looks like you're on your own. Sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. Just go and kick some arse!"

Brains ended the call as Luna sped off to the Natural History Museum.

Alice and Steve looked at the monster who had just killed the guard in disbelief.

"What is it, Steve?" said Alice shakily.

"No clue." Steve replied, his voice no less full of fear. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say it's a werewolf..."

"B-but there's no such thing!"

"Well, what do you think it is?"

"I dunno? Maybe it's a guy in a suit and this is some kind of sick prank!"

As they argued, the creature started to approach them.

"Are you telling me that dead body over there is a fake, then?!"

"It... it might be possible!"

Suddenly, the creature made a leaping lunge at the pair. Steve quickly grabbed Alice and dived onto the floor. The creature landed on the opposite side and quickly turned around, ready to strike again. Alice and Steve got up and saw the monster was blocking the way to the stairs.

"Shit!" said Steve. "The exit's right below us, but we can't get to it. What now?"

"We can't get to it through sensible means." said Alice, looking at the balcony.. "But desperate times call for desperate measures!"

"Wait. You're not seriously suggesting..."

Before Steve could finish, Alice grabbed the balcony and lowered herself onto a display case, which she then climbed down. Steve sighed and followed suit. He quickly dropped to the floor, and into Alice's arms. They both fell to the floor as a result of Steve's weight, but the were both otherwise unharmed. They picked each other up and ran for the front door. It was locked however, and no amount of force was going to get it open...

"The guard had the key, didn't he?" said Steve. "Fuck... We're in serious trouble..."

The creature had now run down the stairs and back towards Alice and Steve. It stopped just meters in front of them and growled at them. Meanwhile, Luna had just reached the back of the museum herself, and she had just heard the voices of her friends from inside.

"That's Alice and Steve." she said. "Dammit, no time to think this through. I gotta get in. Really don't want to cause any vandalism, but it's that or let my friends get hurt..."

Luna immediately started sprinting on all fours and made a big leap right through one of the windows, right onto the main staircase in the entrance floor. There, she saw Alice and Steve cornered by what appeared to be another werewolf. Thankfully, the sound of the window shattering caught it's attention, and it turned away to look at Luna.

"You're kidding me! What now?" said Alice as Luna called out to the beast.

"Hey! Leave those innocents alone! Why not pick on someone your own size? Or at the very least, why not pick on me instead?"

The wolf ignored Luna and turned back to it's prey.

"Oi! Didn't you hear me?" said Luna as she sprinted towards the wolf. "I said, leave them alone!"

Luna grabbed her last remaining stasis disc and threw it at the wolf, causing it's movements to slow down. She then quickly beckoned to Alice and Steve.

"That won't hold him for long. Quick, this way!"

"Should we trust that thing?" said Alice.

"Yeah, I think we can." said Steve. "Otherwise, why would it attack the other wolf instead of us?"

"Good point. Let's go."

Alice and Steve ran towards Luna as fast as they could.

"You okay?" said Luna as Alice and Steve caught their breaths.

"Yeah, but we can't get out of here." said Alice. "The doors are locked, and the guard who had them is on the floor above us."

"Alright, go and get them." said Luna. "But be quick. I don't know when that thing'll recover from the stasis disc."

"Stasis disc?" said Steve.

"A little gadget that slows down it's target for a short period of time. Now's not the time for that, though. You should go and get those keys. I'll hold Smiley here off until then."

Steve didn't need to be told. He immediately sped up the stairs to the dead guard and started checking his body for the keys.

"Okay. And why are you helping us?" said Alice.

"Because I can't stand by and let innocent people get hurt. Fighting crime, saving folks- that's what I do..."

"Okay, I got some keys." said Steve, holding a bloodstained keyring with a few dozen keys on it. "Hopefully one of them'll get us out of here."

Steve ran back down the stairs, joining up with Luna and Alice. They dashed past the still sluggishly moving werewolf, and back to the front door. Steve took the keys and started trying them on the door one at a time.

"Okay, not that one... It's not that one either... Nor that one..."

"Might want to hurry it up, Steve." said Alice. "I think that freak is starting to speed up a little."

Alice wasn't wrong. The stasis disc was showing signs of wearing off as the wolf gradually started to regain it's speed. Luna stood in front of it, ready to attack. Suddenly, the wolf swung it's claw at full speed as the disc dropped to the floor, now useless. Luna was hit by the attack and landed right next to Alice and Steve.

"Need a hand?" said Alice as she helped Luna back up.

"Thanks." Luna replied as the wolf lunged towards them. Luna clenched her fist, and hit it with all her force. To her surprise, the beast was sent right to the other side of the hall, hitting the wall.

"God damn." she said, looking at her fist. "I knew I was strong, but that was way beyond anything I've ever done before. Guess I really need to watch my strength now!"

Just as Luna was contemplating her strength, she heard a voice from behind her.

"I got it!" yelled Steve as he unlocked the front door. "Quick, let's get out of here!"

"Right." said Luna. "I'll stay and deal with this twat. Take care of yourselves, alright?"

"Will you be okay?" said Steve, slightly worried about their saviour.

"Don’t worry about me. I'm pretty tough. I'll be fine."

"Wait a sec." said Alice. "Just so you know, another of our friends is in here somewhere. If you get the time, can you look for her and see if she's alright? We're worried about her..."

"Of course." said Luna as the beast got back up on it's paws.

"Before we go... Who are you?" said Steve.

"Just call me Luna. Now go! Before it's too late!"

Alice grabbed Steve's shoulder, and they both made their escape. As they did, the beast paced it's way forward, towards Luna.

"Looks like it's just you and me now." said Luna, cracking her knuckles and cricking her neck. "Now, maybe we can just talk this over? After all, we surely have a lot in common. Don't you have anything you want to say?"

The beast simply snarled at Luna and lunged at her. She dodged out of the way and watched it land on it's feet and turn back to her.

"Okay, looks like you're not going to say anything other than "GRWOOAH!" Fine. If you really want it that way, I'll bite. Can't say I didn't try to give you a chance, though."

With that, Luna and the monster swung their claws at each other, catching each others attacks and starting to grapple with one another.

Brains gave out a sigh as she pulled Amy through the forest. She really could have used the extra help from Anna. Not only that, but she didn't really know where she was going. All she was doing was listening out for any sounds that might have indicated a busy street.

"Uh... Do you even know where you're going?" said Amy.

"I'll be honest with you. No." said Brains. "I had hoped I could listen out for any people or traffic and use that to find civilisation, but that doesn't seem to be working out too well. At least we seemed to have lost that furry freak, eh?"

Just then, Brains' ears picked up the sound of cars in the far distance.

"Okay... Hold that thought. I might have something!"

She closed her eyes to concentrate, and managed to pinpoint the direction they were coming from. Unfortunately, she also heard the sound of something rushing towards them at great speed.

"Alright, go that way." she said, pointing to the north west. "It should lead you out of the forest and into the streets where you'll be safe."

"What about you?" said Amy.

"Remember when I said we lost that thing? Turns out I was wrong. It's heading straight for us, and I intend to buy you some time. Good luck!"

Just as she had said that, the monster sprinted into view and charged straight into her, sending her some considerable distance. Amy saw the opportunity and decided to run in the direction Brains told her to go. As Brains got up, the beast tried to ram her again. This time she was ready, and she jumped over it, causing it to crash straight into the tree. It quickly recovered and snarled at Brains, and just like the rabbit earlier, she felt as though she understood what the beast was saying... Something that sounded like... "Master."

"Master? You have a Master? What's that about, I wonder?"

Luna had lost her grappling match with her opponent, and was sent flying into a nearby display case. She felt some of the broken glass cut into her flesh slightly, but it wasn't anything major. She picked herself back up, just in time to be sent across the room once again. This time she hit the wall, hurting her back in the process.

"Ugh... You're pretty tough." She said as she struggled her way up again. "I'm kinda surprised. Are ferals stronger than normal werewolves?"

Luna could already feel her cuts and back healing up again, but she knew she couldn't afford to take many more serious hits like that for now. The monster charged at her, but she was able to duck just as it reached her, and she managed to pick it up and fling it up onto the second floor, destroying a balcony in the process.

"Not bad form, but the landing needed some work. And you did break that balcony. I'll give you a 7.5 for that move!"

The beast dropped back down to Luna's level and began circling her. Luna stood there, keeping her eyes on the beast and waiting for it to strike again. Finally, it launched another blow at her, which she blocked. She then knocked it back with a few hard punches, and as soon as it got back up it ran towards her once again. Luna also ran forwards, and as the two approached one another they both jumped at each other. Luna tried to get an attack in, but the beast was just about quicker on the draw. It knocked her out of the air, but she managed to regain her composure before she hit the ground and she landed on her feet, sliding backwards on the floor. But then the beast rushed at her and clamped it's teeth on her shoulder. It started shaking her around like a ragdoll before throwing her into another display case. Satisfied with itself, it started to walk away, However, it's attention was caught by a voice from behind it.

"Hey... Where do... you think... you're going..." said Luna, staggering back onto her feet and clutching her bloodied shoulder. "I’m not... finished with you... yet. I can... do this... all night..."

The beast clearly didn't think so, but decided to humour her some more as she limped towards it. However, before they could continue, they could hear sirens in the distance- and they were headed directly towards them. The beast immediately made it's escape through the window that Luna had initially smashed through.

"Dammit... Get back here!" said Luna, slowly starting to recover from her wounds. In the end though, she knew those sirens were from the police. There was little point in sticking around. Luna knew that if she was caught, they wouldn't be asking her many questions. She jumped through the broken window herself and made as much distance as she could from the scene.

It took a good five minutes for Amy to escape the forest and reach the city streets. She stopped to catch her breath, which caught the attention of several bystanders.

"Are you alright?" asked a nearby woman.

"Y-yeah." said Amy. "Just having a late night run, is all. Nothing to worry about..."

"Oh. Okay, then."

Feeling that all was well, the woman and the other bystanders walked away, leaving Amy on her own. Naturally, the best course of action for her right now would be to go home and forget about what had just happened. But that wasn't what Amy was thinking. She thought back to the mysterious werewolf named Brains who had saved her. At the moment, she was out there fighting a monster that looked much stronger than she was. Amy couldn't help but worry about her well being. Against her better judgement, she wanted to go back and help her new friend out. But what could she do against something so terrible? Suddenly, a thought popped into her head. Maybe she could do something to help...

Meanwhile, her worst fears were being confirmed. Brains was doing poorly against the feral. She had already taken a few nasty hits, and though she knew she would heal up quickly, she feared she wouldn't have much time to do so against the monster's vicious attacks. All the while, she was pondering what it had said about it's master. She wondered if she could press it for more information, but all she could make out of it were words like "Kill" and "Destroy". This particular beast was without a doubt a very violent one. All she could do now was try to stay alive, which was proving to be difficult.

"Fuck! This thing's strong..." said Brains as she got back on her feet after a particularly nasty attack. She was in a fair amount of pain, but she knew she had to keep going. She flung several punches on the feral, and they all hit. The feral staggered a bit, and it retaliated with an attack of it's own. Brains jumped out of the way and pushed her feet at the tree behind her, sending her right over the feral and right behind it. She then grabbed it by the arms and held it in position. After a little struggle, Brains threw the feral halfway across the clearing and it hit the floor, rolling along it a few times. It got back up and charged towards Brains again. She also sprinted towards the feral, and they both leaped at each other. Brains stuck her foot paws out and managed to kick the feral before it could launch it's own attack. As it fell to the ground again, Brains landed and took a quick look at the fallen beast.

"Yeah, that was pretty rough. But that should have given Amy enough time to get to safety. Think I should contact Anna and let her know what's been going on. She'll be pretty interested about this so called master this thing mentioned..."

As Brains turned her back on the feral, it suddenly grabbed her leg and pulled it, causing her to fall. It got back up, grabbed her the scruff of her hoodie and started smashing her face on the floor repeatedly. It finished by throwing her into a nearby tree, which hit her in the stomach. She dropped to the floor, coughing up blood and clutching her stomach as she got back up. However, the feral simply smacked her with it's back hand and knocked her down again. Still on the floor, Brains looked up to see the feral pacing towards her. She could tell it was moving in for the kill. But before it could do anything else, a voice rang out behind it.

"Brains! Quick, get out of the way!"

Brains quickly rolled several times to the side as the feral turned around to see Amy, holding a can of hairspray and a lighter. As soon as Brains was out of the way, Amy sprayed at the beast and lit the lighter, causing the spray to ignite. The feral immediately burst into flames and started crying out in pain. Amy continued to keep her makeshift flamethrower focused on the feral while Brains got back on her feet and ran away from the fire. Eventually, the spray ran out and the flames stopped, but it had done it's job. The feral, still on fire, was in it's death throes. But as it's life ebbed away, it started lashing out it's claws at random. Amy tried to get away, but it was ultimately futile- the beast's claws slashed right into her body, leaving three heavy claw marks over her chest and stomach. Amy fell to the ground, followed closely by the feral as it breathed it's last.

"No!" said Brains as she rushed to Amy's side. She grabbed hold of her, and they both turned to watch the now dead feral burn away. It very quickly crumpled into black dust, leaving almost no trace left.

"You idiot! Why'd you do that?" said Brains, crying at her fallen friend.

"I-I figured... You'd be in tr-trouble." said Amy, struggling to talk due to the pain. "I heard... werewolves are weak to fire... so I... went to the shops to buy that lighter and hairspray... It... worked from the... looks of it."

"Yeah, but now you got hurt. I appreciate your concern, but you shouldn't have done that!"

"Am I... gonna die?"

"No, but you've been turned. Your wounds will heal pretty fast, but that's only because you're pretty much a werewolf yourself now. You won't officially become one until the next full moon, but..."

"Heh... Maybe... Maybe it won't be so bad... If I end up like you... That'd be pretty cool..."

With that, Amy passed out.

"Amy? AMY!"

Luna had found a quiet spot away from the museum where she could rest and lick her wounds away from prying eyes. She was recovering from her injuries just fine, but she felt a great sense of dissatisfaction from the battle. That feral had proven to be incredibly strong, a true match for her own abilities. Thankfully, Alice and Steve had got out okay, so Luna didn't have to worry about them. However, she remembered that Alice had mentioned one of their other friends had also been in the museum at the time. She wondered which friend that may have been. It couldn't possibly have been Poppy, as there was no way she would have gone anywhere on her own in her current condition. So that just left Amy or Kisa... As she continued to ponder, her watch started beeping. Luna answered the call, knowing it was from Kelly. She wanted to know how she had got on.

"Hey, Kel. How'd you do?"

"Not... not good. Amy's been turned..."

"Wait, Amy? Was she the one you were rescuing before?"

"Yeah. That feral was after her, but I managed to get her out. But then she came back to help me. She managed to kill it- literally with fire- but it managed to slash her before it died. So yeah. She's gonna be one of us too, when the next full moon comes around..."

"Damn. Oh well, I guess there's a silver lining. If she turns out okay, she could probably join our little pack. The more the merrier. Still, it sucks that she has to go through this as well..."

"What about you? Please tell me you have better news?"

"Well, the bad news is I had to deal with another feral, and this one tried to attack Alice and Steve. The good news is, they're fine. They didn't get hurt at all. On the other hand, Alice said another of their friends was in there too. Couldn't have been Poppy, and you just said Amy was turned, so I'm guessing it must have been Kisa. I didn't get the chance to look for her, so I can only hope she's okay. Also, my feral got away and I got my arse handed to me. So, a bit hit and miss, really."

"Another one? Jesus Christ... Look, I have a lot I want to talk to you about, but I really think Amy needs medical attention right now. But I can't take her to the hospital. If they see me with her, they'll think I was the one who attacked her, and I can't just drop her off there and leave her all alone. What can I do?"

"Maybe you should go to Amanda and Lucy. They should be able to help. I'll text you their address, so keep an eye on your phone. If you can keep Amy there, I'll pop over tomorrow so we can have a chat about what happened tonight. See you then."

"Huh. Didn't realise it was this place?"

Brains arrived at the address Luna had sent her, and only now had she realised it was the mansion she had seen so many times on her way to work. Getting here had been tough, as she not only had to avoid being seen, she also had to carry Amy around with her as well. Thankfully though, she had made it. Brains took a deep breath and pushed the intercom button.

"Hello?" said Amanda, answering the intercom.

"It's Kelly. Uh, listen. We've got a big problem here. A friend of mine was attacked and turned, and she's not in a good way. Can you let us in, please? She needs help."

"Attacked, you say? Okay, I'll open the gate and we'll meet you inside."

The gates opened shortly after, and Brains rushed down to the mansion, still carrying Amy. As she approached the mansion, the front door opened with Amanda and Lucy waiting. Brains was immediately impressed by how beautiful they looked in their werewolf forms, but she knew this wasn't the time to be gawking.

"Hi, Kelly." said Amanda, taking Amy from her back. "You make for quite a cute wolf! But I guess we don't have time for small talk. Is this your friend?"

"Yeah." said Brains. "She got hurt by a feral while trying to fend it off. As you can see, she's in pretty bad shape."

"Well, she'll live. Her wounds should be fully healed by tomorrow evening." said Lucy. "However, it won't hurt to tend to this wound. Amanda, can you get me some bandages, a first aid kit and a spare night gown, please? We're going to have to patch her up and leave her to rest in one of the bedrooms."

"Sure thing." said Amanda, who then left to get the items Lucy asked for.

"Is it okay if I stay here for the night?” said Brains. "I don't think she'll freak out as much if I'm here to explain things. She won't know how she even got here when she wakes up, you know?"

"Of course you can." said Lucy. "I'll call Miyuki and see if she can come over to meet Amy as well. I think they'll both be interested in meeting each other."

"Okay. I'll stay in whatever bedroom you keep Amy in, and keep an eye on her."

"No problem. All the bedrooms only have one bed, so you'll have to sleep on a chair. We'll make sure we put her in a bedroom with one of those. Let's just hope your friend accepts her change the same way we have..."

"I wouldn't worry about that. She said before she passed out that it wouldn't be so bad if she turned out like me. Oh, and Lucy? Thanks. I appreciate what you and Amanda are doing for her."

"Don't mention it. We need to stick together, after all."

Brains nodded as Amanda showed up with everything Lucy asked for. Brains and Lucy then moved Amy into one of the bedrooms so they could tend to her wounds. At the time, all Brains could think about was what would become of Amy now that she'd been turned. What kind of werewolf would she become? Would she be willing to help she and Luna in their new crime fighting crusade? And what of the two ferals that were stalking the streets? For the longest time, Brains thought both she and Luna had been attacked by the same beast, but now she wasn't so sure. And what of this so called master? There were so many questions, and it didn't look like the answers would come anytime soon.
Anna Tyler/Luna
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Leader of Wolf Team
21,813 views (19 this week)
Kelly Stevenson/Brains
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Wolf Team's Tech Genius
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