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The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 12
Stories » The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 12
Chapter twelve- Fighting Evil By Moonlight

"You okay, Anna? You look pretty beat." said Amanda as Anna walked into the costume shop looking tired.

"Don't I know it." said Anna, looking at her watch. "And I know I'm late. Sorry. Been a little preoccupied..."

"Oh? By what exactly?"

"I must apologise. I've been keeping her up all morning." said a new voice coming into the shop. It was Miyuki, now wearing a white shirt and black suit jacket along with a long black skirt instead of her usual kimono.

"Oh, hello Miyuki." said Lucy, coming out from the back room. "Would you like a cup of tea? I just put the kettle on."

"Yes, please. I'm feeling rather dry at the moment. It's been a busy morning."

"Alright. You want one too, Anna?"

"Please, I'm pretty desperate for a cuppa right now." said Anna. "Miyuki wasn't kidding when she said she trains hard."

It had been another couple of weeks since the incident at the shopping centre, and Anna had been training hard with Miyuki ever since. She had been taught how to shift into her wolf form at will, and was getting the hang of it. However, she was struggling slightly when it came to combat. Though she was a keen student, she wasn't picking up the basics as quickly as she would have liked. Miyuki told her not to worry too much, saying that no one can become a black belt in a day. However, Anna knew that she was still a little on the clumsy side. Meanwhile, Kelly was spending most of her free time coming up with ideas for gadgets for Anna to use when she was patrolling the streets during the next full moon, which would be tonight. All the while, she was looking forward to her own first transformation. In the meantime, Anna, Miyuki, Amanda and Lucy went to the back room for some tea.

"I dunno." said Anna. "I'm not sure if I'll ever get any good at fighting. I just can't seem to get a feel for it. I'm trying the best I can, but I'm still not up to snuff."

"Nonsense." said Miyuki. "You're doing fine. You can't expect to be get good after just a few weeks. Real life isn't like that. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to get to a decent level."

"I know. But still..."

"But nothing." said Lucy. "Miyuki's right. These things take time. Just go with it and take your time. You'll get better eventually."

Suddenly, the shop door opened.

"I'll see to that." said Anna as she made her way to the front of the shop to welcome the new customer. But as she did so, she saw it was Poppy, who was with Kelly.

"Hi, guys." said Anna. "What's up?"

"Poppy wanted to talk to you about something." said Kelly. "No idea what it's about, but she asked me if I could bring her here so it must be important."

"I see she's still afraid to go out on her own. How sad..." Amanda muttered to herself.

"Can we go somewhere private?" said Poppy. "It's about the... well... you know... Your... condition?"

"It's okay." said Anna. "Amanda and Lucy are werewolves too. Miyuki here isn't, but she's special in her own way. If it's about my condition, you can talk here without any issues."

"Then you must be Poppy." said Miyuki. "I trust you haven't told anyone else about all this, correct?"

"N-no, I haven't." Poppy replied, before turning to Anna. "Anna, I... want you to do something for me if that's okay with you please?"

"What do you want?"

"Well... The thing is, after that awful night last month, I've been a wreck. I've been unable to go out without someone with me and I've been avoiding all men- including Steve. I know that's not fair on him... It goes even further than that, though. I've barely been able to sleep since. Often, when I close my eyes, I just picture that night in my head again, and even if I do fall asleep, I just end up dreaming about it. I can't take it anymore. I feel so weak. And... I want to be stronger, so I can deal with this better."

"You want to be stronger?" said Anna. "Wait... Are you saying..."

"Yes. Anna, since you're a werewolf, you can turn other people, right? And since it's a full moon tonight, I was wondering... Can you turn me, please? I think if I was a werewolf myself, I'll become strong enough to cope with those events. I could actually go back to being me again. So please, Anna. Please turn me."

"Poppy..." said Kelly.

Anna was rather shocked at her friend's request. She wasn't entirely sure how to respond.

"Poppy, you do realise this isn't something to take lightly, don't you?" said Lucy. "If you turn, you're turned permanently. It's something you have to keep for the rest of your life."

"I understand that." said Poppy. "But I think this is the only way I can fight my fears. I don't want to be like this. Anna... Please."

Anna thought about it some more before turning to Miyuki.

"Do I have to be in my wolf form to turn someone?" Anna asked. "Or can I do it as a human, too?"

"You at least have to be partially transformed, yes." said Miyuki. "Whether or not you really want to do this, though... That's up to you."

Anna continued to think while looking at Poppy. Ultimately, she took her hands.

"I'm sorry, Poppy. I can't do that. I promised myself I'd never turn an innocent person, even if they ask for it. I love being a werewolf- most of the time- but I wouldn't want to put that kind of burden on anyone else. Lucy's right. This is a life changing deal, and it's not something I can do with a clear conscience."


"There's something else, too." said Miyuki. "Becoming a werewolf will make you physically stronger, but it won't ease emotional trauma. That's something you have to deal with yourself. If anything, it may have the opposite effect- With you the way you currently are, there's a far greater chance of you becoming a feral. Believe me, you don't want that to happen."

"Sorry." said Anna. "But trust me, you can beat this even as a normal human. I'm always here if you want to talk about it. Kelly's here for you too. So's Alice, Amy, Kisa and Steve. We'll help you get over this. But I won't do it by turning you. That’s something I'll never do to anyone."

"You can always talk to Lucy and myself as well.” said Amanda. “We may not know you that personally but you're a friend of Anna's, so that makes you a friend of ours too."

"O-okay." said Poppy, giving Anna a hug while crying slightly. "I'm so glad I have friends like you. Do you really think I can beat this, though?"

"We'll give it our best shot, I promise." said Anna, letting go of Poppy.

"Okay, I'll let you get back to your job." said Poppy. "Unless there's something you want to add, Kelly?"

"There is one thing." said Kelly. "You finish at midday today, right Anna?"

"Yup." Anna replied. "What with the full moon and all."

"Cool. Then can you meet me at my place when you finish? I have a few things you might find useful tonight."

"Sure thing. Can't wait to see what you've come up with!"

"Ah, yes. That reminds me." said Lucy. "Let me give you your outfit back. I hope you like the little modification I made to it."

A few days ago Anna had lent her ninja outfit to Lucy, who said she wanted to make a slight adjustment to it. She now handed the costume back, and it now had a magenta hood along with what appeared to be a bandit's mask sewn on.

"Cool. Is this for concealing my face?"

"Yes it is. The hood was even made with your wolf ears into account so you can wear it in comfort."

"You really thought of everything, huh? Thanks Lucy! I love it."

"You're welcome. Just try not to tear it, okay?"

After finishing work, Anna made her way to Kelly's house, half expecting her to still be working on some gear. Instead, as she approached the front door, she could hear her speaking into her phone.

Look, I know you said you're short, but tonight is a really bad night for me. I took this day off for a reason, and... Yeah, I get that. Yes. Yeah... All right. I'll be there."

Anna knew that didn't sound good. She sighed and knocked on the door.

"Hi, Anna." said Kelly as she answered the door. "Uh, things may have taken a turn for the worse."

"What's up?"

"Basically, they're really short on people at the lab tonight, and they want me to fill in. So, I have to go to work tonight. During the full moon. I think you can see the problem, can't you?"

"Geez. What are you going to do?"

"Hell if I know! At best, I'll have to leave and I'll probably get into trouble with my boss. At worst, I'll transform in front of everybody and... well... We'll already be in a lab. They just need to pin me down and boom! I'm a science experiment! I cant believe this is happening..."

"You're a smart girl. Resourceful too. I'm sure you’ll think of something. For starters, probably shouldn't take your car. Chances are you won't get much of a chance to drive it home."

"Yeah, not a bad idea. I'll figure something out, I'm sure. But that's a bridge I'll have to cross when I come to it. For now, come in and see what I've got for you!"

Kelly led Anna to her workshop, where she could see a variety of gadgets and gizmos on a table.

"All of these toys are for me?" said Anna. "You shouldn't have."

"Don't mention it." said Kelly. "Anyway, let me show you what you've got. First off, you have a few capsules which contain that incapacitating foam you saw the last time you came here. The formula's been perfected now, so it'll be quite handy to you. Next up, we have some smoke bombs. Pretty much what you'd expect, they're used if you have to jump into a scene but don't want to reveal yourself. And here, we have what I like to call the Stasis Disc. Basically, you throw it at a bad guy, and it attaches itself to him and gives a mild shock which completely slows their movement down. That’ll make 'em a lot easier to catch! Then, there's a grappling hook for you."

"Why do I want a grappling hook? I already have superhuman agility and speed. I'm not Batman."

"You never know when it'll be useful. Besides, it may just be handy for catching bad guys with as well. I take it you'll be using that backpack I gave you, so there's that too. Then, to keep all this stuff, there's a utility belt. Nothing special there. But last, and most certainly not least, is this."

Kelly pulled out what appeared to be a smart watch.

"A new watch?"

"Yup, but it has various cool features. It has just about everything you'd expect from a smart watch- calendar, calculator, weather reports, all that jazz. But this one also has a communication feature, which the two of us can use to keep in contact. See the top right button? Just hold that then speak into the watch and I'll answer. You also have a choice of ring tones, just like a mobile phone. Best of all, there's a special function on the clock that counts down the amount of time remaining until the next full moon. Just look at that, and you'll know when you're about to shift."

"Awesome. And it'll save me hundreds of pounds on a proper smart watch. So, you have one of these, too?"

"That's right. So just give me a holler if you need anything. Of course, I'll do the same with you as well. I'm honestly quite prou- Ahh..."

Kelly suddenly took off her glasses and started rubbing her eyes.

"What the- Are you okay, Kel?"

"I-I dunno. I feel a little dizzy. My vision feels kind of off too..."

"That's exactly how I felt the day of my first full moon. I think it's beginning to kick in."

"You kidding? I thought I wouldn"t change until the full moon?"

"You won't. But you'll feel a little weird beforehand. I think it's to do with your brain making the endorphins which prevent you from feeling pain when you transform. At least, that's what Miyuki said. Try and take it easy for now, okay?"

"Easy for you to say. I have to go to work, and I need to find a way to shift without being seen! Oh. Wait... I think it's passed now. Yeah. I feel better now."

"That won't be the last one. You'll feel a little more discomfort as the moon gets closer. Once you feel that, make sure you get as far away from public view as possible."

"That's when it'll happen, eh? Okay. I'll keep that in mind... You sure I'll be okay?"

"Positive. Anyway, shall I leave you? You probably need to leave soon anyway."

"Yeah, especially since I won't be driving. Oh well... Maybe I'll see you tonight if I'm lucky?"

"Maybe." said Anna as she took her new gear. "Guess I'll see you on the other end."

Since returning home, Anna had spent the afternoon lying on the sofa. A lazy afternoon for sure, but considering she had a busy night ahead of her she could afford it. While she was lying there, Cookie had jumped up onto her stomach so she had been spending a bit of time petting him as he sat on top of her. All the while she was thinking about her first night as a full fledged crime fighter. She was a little nervous, but she was mostly looking forward to it. As she lay there, Alice came into the sitting room looking a little fancier than usual.

"Ooo, la de da." said Anna. "Special occasion?"

"You could say that. Steve and I are going out on a date tonight! It's been ages since we last had one."

"Nice. Bet you can't wait. Where are you going?"

"Not sure yet. Most likely we'll just have a wander around London. Maybe go to a museum or something. But yeah, I'll be meeting Steve from work in a minute and we'll be on our way. You got anything planned tonight?"

"Nah, I'll probably just be slobbing out here. Most likely I'll play some video games and watch a movie. Whatever I do, it'll be an uneventful one."

"Don't blow up from over excitement, eh? Anyway, I'll be off. Have a nice evening."

"You too. Tell Steve I said hi."

Alice left the house, leaving Anna on her own. She stayed on the sofa for a little bit, continuing to play with Cookie.

"Well, it looks like I don't need to make up an excuse for not being here tonight eh, puss?" Anna said. "Makes life a little easier tonight."

Anna waited another ten minutes or so before finally getting up off the sofa. She checked the full moon timer on her new watch and saw there was still a little while until sunset. She wanted to head out and get something to eat before the moon rose, so she felt now would be a good time to do so. Before she did, she took a small pile of clothes from her wardrobe and stuffed them in her bed so it looked like someone was in it. This was in case Alice decided to peek in when she came back to see if Anna was sleeping okay. Afterwards, she cooked some sausages in the kitchen to make into some sandwiches, just in case she got hungry during the night. With that done she grabbed her backpack, which had all of her gear, and set out.

Anna wandered the streets, looking for a place to eat. Her plan was to eat, then go to what had become her usual spot to shift into her wolf form when the moon arose. She would then spend the night patrolling the streets, fighting crime as she came across it. But the question was, where to eat? She knew it had to serve quickly, since she didn't have all night. It also had to be relatively close to the forest where her main clearing was. As she was looking around, her eyes caught a familiar figure on the other side of the street.

"Amy! Hey, over here!"

Amy heard Anna's voice and turned to look at her.

"Oh, hi Anna." she said, crossing the road. "What's up?"

"Finding somewhere to eat out. Alice and Steve are on a date, so I figured I'd have an evening out myself. You?"

"Not much. Only trying out for an audition for a new ballet show that's opening pretty soon!"

"Really? Awesome. Now that I think about it, you mentioned when we first met that you were into dance, didn't you?"

"That's right. It's my main passion. Hey, if you're looking for somewhere to eat, I can take you to my favourite place and we can chat a little. I have a little time to kill, so why not?"

"Sure. Lead the way."

Amy took Anna to a small cafe not too far from where they met up. It was a rather cosy place with plenty of hand made food for sale. Anna helped herself to a hot chocolate with marshmallows, as well as a bacon and cheese toastie and a slice of chocolate fudge cake. Amy on the other hand had a cup of tea with a chocolate brownie. With their snack in tow, they found a place to sit down and had a little chat.

"You sure you should be eating that?" Anna joked. "Ballet always struck me as being one of those things you need to be in perfect physical condition for."

"True, but that doesn't mean I can't pig put every once in a while. Besides, when I think about how I used to be, I realise just how much happier I am since then."

"Used to be?"

"Yeah. When I started training to be a ballet dancer, it was just for fun. But then I started pushing myself more and more until I eventually became obsessed. All I wanted was to be the best, and I was going to some real extremes to make sure I made it. I didn't eat very much, I spent most of my time practising, I refused to stop doing certain moves until I had it down perfectly, and it was destroying me physically and emotionally. My friends and family tried to get me help, but I turned it down. In the end, I ended up pushing them away from me. But I didn't care. All I wanted was to be the best."

"I hope you don't mind me saying, but that's pretty fucked up. So what convinced you otherwise?"

"I don't mind at all. You're right. It was pretty fucked up. As for what brought me to my senses... This is going to sound crazy, but... I went to watch that movie Black Swan back when it first came out at the cinema. And... It disturbed me. Mainly because I saw a lot of myself in it. Not quite the same extremes mind, but it made me realise what I had become. That the pursuit of perfection wasn't worth what I was losing in order to realise it. I felt so ashamed of myself as I walked out of the cinema that night. So much so that the day after I decided to give up ballet altogether. When I did, I started eating properly, I made up with everyone I hurt back then and I started taking better care of myself. But though I was feeling much better, I started to feel empty. I was missing dance. I wanted to start over with it, but I was still unwilling to go back to ballet as I was afraid I'd go back to my old ways. Shortly after that, I played one of the Shantae games, and I instantly fell in love with the main character. More to the point, I loved her belly dancing moves."

"So that inspired you to take that up yourself?"

"That's right. Because of that, I got my groove back and started trying other types of dance as well. Eventually I got back into ballet, taking care not to let obsession get in the way again. Instead of trying to be the best, I just wanted to make people happy with my dancing. That's all I want now. And if I'm being honest, that's worked out so much better for me. And now, I might actually have a chance of hitting the big time! If I can get this role, it could open up so many doors. I just hope I get it..."

"I'm sure you will. I can tell you work pretty hard."

"Yeah, but the competition is pretty tough. I know I'll have to bring my A game for it. All I can do is my best, and just hope it's good enough. Still, whatever will be, will be. In the end, I just need to remember I'm making people happy doing what I love. That's what's most important now."

"Good to know you managed to better yourself. I kinda know that feel, though in a different sense. Since I left my home town, I've become almost a different person. I'm not who I used to be. I'm more active, more talkative, I'm less afraid of people... I'm just more confident now."

"Hard for me to really say since I haven't known you for that long. But from what Alice told me, you were really shy and reclusive back then."

"I was. That's one of the main reasons Alice wanted me to move in with her. She felt it would do me some good. And it has. Not entirely in the way I was expecting mind you, but it really has."

"Not the way you were expecting? How so?"

Anna realised she may have said too much.

"Oh... Uh... Well, there was the animal attack, remember? I think that reminded me I still had to be careful when I'm out at night. And... yeah. That, uh..."

"Well, keep that in mind if you're staying out tonight! Anyway, my audition is fairly soon, so I must be off. Been nice talking to you!"

"Yeah, I should probably be off too." said Anna, looking at her watch. It wouldn't be much longer before the full moon. "Still wondering where I'm gonna go tonight."

"Well, have fun wherever you go. And be careful."

"You too. Good luck with that audition!"

Amy nodded as the two went their separate ways. Amy went off to her audition while Anna headed for the forest in preparation for the night ahead...

It had been a normal afternoon at the Solstice Technologies building. Most of the team working on the energy project had spent the day checking complex logistics, including Kelly. However, those logistics were the last thing on her mind right now. She was still worried about the impending full moon and the thought of changing in front of everyone. She had already thought up a plan, but there was no guarantee it would work. It was all she could think about all afternoon. And then...

"Hey guys, check it out. The sun's setting." said one of the other scientists.

"So it is." said Dr. Ellis. "I think it's supposed to be a full moon tonight, isn't it? Anyone want to check it out through the telescope?"

"Yeah, might be interesting." said a female scientist. "I find the moon so beautiful..."

"It'll look even more beautiful tonight." said Dr. Ellis. "Are you in, Kelly? Kelly?"

Kelly wasn't paying attention. She had immediately been struck by a sudden migraine, and she was starting to feel dizzy again.

"Are you okay, Kelly?" said Dr. Ellis.

"N-no. I feel really out of it, actually. Headache, dizziness... I think I even feel a little hot... Uh, can I be excused? I think I need to go to the toilet..."

"Hmm." Dr. Ellis replied, checking Kelly's temperature. "You definitely seem to have a fever. Maybe you should just go home. Forget about anything else, just get some rest."

"Thanks..." Kelly said weakly. She immediately grabbed her backpack and started her way out of the building. If she was lucky, she could make it outside before she transformed. However, she was in poor condition. Though her migraine was starting to lift and she was feeling less feverish, her stomach was starting to act up. She had also noticed her heart was starting to beat much faster than before.

"Ugh... Oh man, I think I'm gonna puke... Dammit Anna, if you were lying about the transformation being pleasant, I'm so gonna slash your face to ribbons next time I see you..."

Kelly couldn't take much more of the sickly feeling in her stomach. She immediately rushed to the nearest toilet and sat in one of the cubicles, waiting to vomit. In the meantime, she opened up the YouTube app on her phone and searched for videos on wolf howls. She knew that if she was going to transform here, most of the workers in the building would hear her howling, so she hoped playing a video of a wolf howling would throw them off. Suddenly, without thinking, she walked out of the cubicle and looked outside the small window of the toilet. She could see it- the full moon. There it was, clear as day. She quickly started to feel better, though her heart was still beating more rapidly than usual. Knowing what was about to happen, she quickly tried to remove her clothes as quickly as possible. But as she got down to her underwear, she took a quick look at her fingernails...

"Oh geez, my fingernails are starting to grow. I think it's starting..."

Kelly quickly felt her teeth with her tongue. They were starting to sharpen into fangs. Then all of a sudden, Kelly bit on her lip hoping to stop herself from letting out a passionate groan as she suddenly felt an incredible surge of pleasure. She took another look at her hands and saw that not only had her fingernails now become razor sharp claws, but paw pads were starting to form in both her upper palms and the tips of her fingers, and light brown fur was sprouting all over them. The same was also happening with her feet, and the same light brown fur was now growing over her shoulders and down her spine too. With her feet now covered, they started to change into big wolf paws while the fur started to make it's way up Kelly's legs and arms. Creamy brown fur was starting to grow from the top of her breasts, and as it covered them her bra began to feel it's pressure. It burst open, and the fur kept on growing over her stomach and lower regions.

"Okay... This actually does feel amazing. I guess Anna got spared a slashing. Now I'll just punch her in the arm slightly..."

More of the creamy brown fur was spread along her cheeks and covering the lower half of her face while more light brown fur was covering her upper half and ears, which were also now starting to become more pointed. Her legs began to change shape to a more digitigrade form as her ears moved to the top of her head and became a pair of large wolf ears. Her nose turned black and wet, and both that and her mouth started to push out into a muzzle. She started to feel the bottom of her spine throbbing wildly. She once again tried her best not to squeal in ecstasy as a beautiful fluffy tail burst out, quickly growing down to her ankles and destroying what was left of her knickers. Her bra had also been split open by her ever growing fur, now leaving her naked. Her once ginger hair was now turning pink while her muzzle finished growing out, her tongue elongating with it. Finally, her irises turned yellow as her fur covered the remainder of her body. Her transformation complete, Kelly couldn't stop herself from letting out a howl- which naturally caught the attention of everyone in the building...

Meanwhile, Alice and Steve were still on their date. They had already spent most of the evening wandering the streets, and had dinner at a Pizza Hut. As they left, they contemplated where to go next.

"You know, I've never been on the London Eye." said Alice. "Maybe we could do that?"

"We could do." Steve replied. "Ooo, you know where I haven't been in ages? The Natural History Museum. I used to love it there. Want to check it out afterwards?"

"Yeah! That was one of my favourite places as a kid. Let's do it, then."

"Alright, looks like we got the rest of this date sorted, then!" said Steve as he put his arm around Alice. "London Eye first, then the Natural History Museum."

Somewhere in a secluded spot, a car thief was picking the lock of a solitary car. His intention was to steal the car, then sell it off for a lot of money. His hope was that he would eventually earn enough money to leave the country and move to somewhere more tropical, like Hawaii. He was so preoccupied with his lock picking that he failed to notice he was being watched by a beady pair of eyes. A pair of eyes waiting to strike... He soon succeeded in getting the door open, but just as he gave a triumphant cheer, his stalker pounced. In that instant, it soon became clear that there would be only one place the thief would be staying for the next ten years- prison.

"Are you sure it was a wolf?" said one of the scientists as they made their way to the women's toilet.

"Well, it bloody well wasn't a cat!" said another. They had just heard Kelly's howl and were naturally worried, especially given the attack that happened the previous month.

"But there aren't any wolves in London, are there?"

"There aren't supposed to be, but given the animal attacks over the last few months and those two incidents where criminals were yelling about a wolf, I'm not so sure."

The two scientists approached the toilet, where a large number of people had now gathered, and everyone then heard another howl.

"Shit, another one? Maybe we shouldn't go in..."

Just as she had said that, her partner walked in. A little nervous, she followed. However, the toilet seemed to be empty. The pair heard yet another howl coming from one of the cubicles. They both peered underneath it, and saw a pair of feet. A fourth howl then rang, and it became apparent that it was just a YouTube video. Whoever was in there was clearly watching it.

"Hey, uh... Could you keep that video down, please?" said one of the two scientists, knocking on the door. "Everyone seemed to think there was an actual wolf in the building!"

"Sorry..." came a deep, yet feminine voice. Convinced that all was well, the two scientists left the toilet and told everyone that it was just a video. A few minutes after everyone left...

"Is it safe to come out now?"

Kelly swivelled her new ears around to see if anyone else was in the toilet, or on their way there. The coast seemed clear however, so she took that as her opportunity to leave the cubicle. Right after her transformation she heard people coming, so she had quickly gathered up her remaining clothes and hid in the cubicle, placing her shoes and socks on the floor so anyone who looked underneath would think someone was on the toilet. Now that she was safe, she gathered up her shoes and placed them in her backpack along with the rest of her clothes.

"Phew, that was close. That post transformation phase is quite a doozy, too. But I feel amazing! I can't believe it. I'm actually a werewolf! This is so awesome..."

Kelly felt a little wobbly at first as a result of standing on her hind legs, but she remembered what Anna taught her and treated her movement as though she was on tip toes. She also took a little while to get used to her improved senses. It was her sense of smell that threw her off the most, mainly because most of the smells in the toilet were far from pleasant. But again, Anna had taught her a few things in that department, so Kelly put her focus on the fresher smells. Now that she was better used to her new body, she decided to look in the mirror to see what she actually looked like. What she immediately noticed was that she could see perfectly well even without her glasses. In fact, she could now see better than ever before. The next thing she noticed was her bust. Unlike Anna's, it hadn't grown at all.

"Dammit! How come Anna gets bigger boobs and I don't? That’s lame. Nonetheless, hello gorgeous!"

Kelly certainly looked very attractive in her wolf form. Much like Anna, she looked less like a monster, more a beautiful hybrid of human and wolf. She was taller than she was before, and her figure was slender and eye catching. Also like Anna, she looked slightly more muscular, but not in a very noticeable way. She looked more like a model than a bodybuilder. She also noticed her stomach, muzzle, hands and feet was now covered in fluffy looking creamy brown fur, while the rest of her was light brown. Kelly also had a look at her hair.

"It's pink. Not sure what to make of that. Still, definitely a looker. I'm almost shocked. I didn't think I'd ever look this good. Still, can't afford to stay and admire myself. I need to get out of this building without getting seen... There are guards near the front door, so I can't really go that way. Then, I'll have to go through the car park. It'll be easier to move around in there and it'll bring me outside..."

Her mind made up, Kelly searched through her backpack and pulled out a baggy white hoodie she had brought along. It was big enough to go down to just above her knees, so she knew it would be a decent item to wear as a wolf. After throwing it on, she peered out through the toilet door to see if the coast was clear. It was, so she set out to the car park...

Having had their fun at the London Eye, Alice and Steve had now made their way to their next destination for their date, the Natural History Museum. However, as they approached the front of the door, they saw it was locked.

"Damn. Looks like it's shut for the night." said Alice.

"Maybe it's not too surprising." said Steve, looking at the opening hours. "Says here it shuts at around half past five. Which means we're off by a good couple of hours."

"Figures. Oh well, wanna do something else? There might be a few good nightclubs around. Steve?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." said Steve, looking through the glass of the door. "Only, I think I can see Kisa in there..."


Alice looked through the glass herself. True to Steve's word, Kisa was indeed standing in the entrance hall, speaking to someone. She was dressed in what appeared to be a skimpy fur bikini.

"Hey!" said a security guard who had just wandered over to the door. "The museum's closed. Sorry, but if you want to get in you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

The guard's words caught Kisa's attention, causing her to look over to see who it was.

"Oh!" she said. "Those two are friends of mine. Can you let them in? I promise they'll behave themselves..."

"Sorry Miss Justine, but we can't let anyone else in right now. The museum is supposed to be closed."

"Oh, come on! Please? They've travelled pretty far to get here. I can just say they're here for the photoshoot. They won't be any trouble, I swear."

Alice and Steve could only vaguely hear what Kisa and the guard were talking about, but it seemed the conversation was about them.

"So... Should we leave?" said Steve.

"Hold on a sec." said Alice. "Maybe we should say hi to Kisa at the very least..."

Just then, the guard unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hey guys, come in!" said Kisa. "I managed to convince the guard to let you in for a little while."

"Cool! Thanks." said Steve as he and Alice walked in.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, Miss Justine." said the guard. "As we agreed, you are directly responsible for these two. If they fall out of line, you can expect to be in big trouble."

"Don't worry." said Kisa. "They're not badly behaved at all. I'm friends with far rowdier people than them."

"Thanks for getting us in, Keese." said Alice. "Let me guess. Photoshoot?"

"Of course! We decided on a prehistoric theme for this one, and so this was the ideal place to do it. Are you two on a date?"

"Yeah." said Steve. "Been a while since we last had one, so here we are. I guess we're getting our own private tour now, huh?"

"Well, you'll probably have to sit through the rest of the shoot first, but yeah. They did promise me free reign when I'm done, so I'll be happy to let you tag along."

"Sit through the shoot, eh?" said Alice, chuckling. "I'll bet Steve can't wait for that."

"Oh come on." Steve replied. "You're gonna enjoy it as much as I will and you know it. You remember when we played Gal Gun Double Peace at London Comic con and you wore the panty screen wiper from the collectors edition on your head? Just for a laugh?"

"I will neither confirm nor deny that."

Kisa laughed.

"You won't be bored, I can tell you both that much..."

There had been a lot of commotion on a nearby street as a man fled the scene with a bag of money stored in his jacket. He was quite the wanted man, as he had been responsible for countless violent robberies across the city over the past few years. Having just robbed an off license, the crook was now running away before the police even had a chance to pursue him. Sadly, it looked as though he would yet again evade capture. Or so he thought. As he charged his way along the street- knocking over various people as he did- he failed to notice what seemed to be a capsule on the floor. As soon as he stepped on it, it suddenly burst into a strange substance that stopped him in his tracks. Unable to move, he stood there helpless as a few police officers came to take him away. No one knew what the substance was- except for the one person who stood on the rooftops, satisfied with what she had done. For the criminal she had helped capture was about to realise that tonight would be the last he would spend as a free man...

Having carefully skulked her way around the building, Kelly was very close to the car park. She just needed to make her way to the basement and she was good to go. However, there was always a decent amount of people there, all of them entering or leaving the building. Kelly had to act quickly or risk being seen at the last hurdle.

"Gonna have to use the stairs." She thought. "There's no guarantee no one'll be using the lift, and it'll be easier to stay hidden using the stairs..."

Very quietly, she entered the stairwell and made her way down. She used her ears to pick up on any sounds that might have been coming her way. Just as she had reached the last set of stairs...

"Damn, someone's coming..."

Kelly quickly dropped to the floor and hid behind the stairs. She saw a couple of fellow employees walk past, and she waited until they were several floors up before darting for the door to the car park. Now all she had to do was find the way out, which wasn't hard as she drove here nearly every day. Using the parked cars as cover, she headed for the exit. Whenever she heard footsteps or another car come in, she hid underneath the nearest car until it passed. It took a little while, but she had almost made it out. Just one more row of cars to go. She made it about halfway though when suddenly...

"Hey! Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Kelly jumped at those words, but when she turned around, she saw they weren't aimed at her. It seemed that one of the security guards in the car park had just caught a teenager who was clearly trying to sneak into the laboratories. The kid ran off with the guard in hot pursuit, giving Kelly the perfect chance to make a break for freedom. She sprinted on all fours, as fast as she could until she finally made it out. She was almost clear, but now she had to find a way through the perimeter of the building. There was a long tall fence around the building, topped with barbed wire. The only way out was through the main gate, which had two more security guards in front of it.

"Definitely not going that way. Well, I can do shit I couldn't before now. I wonder if I can jump the fence? Guess it's time to turn on the taps and see what I can really do!"

Kelly took as much of a run up as she possibly could without revealing herself, then sprinted towards the fence. Shortly before she reached it, she made an almighty leap, and cleared the fence without any issue. She was finally out. As soon as her feet touched the ground again, she immediately continued running through the nearby forest area. The sense of speed and the feeling of the wind blowing against her fur was exhilarating. Kelly didn't want to stop as she continued charging forward, never feeling so free in her life. She felt it may have been a good idea to call Anna and let her know she made it out okay, but right now she was having too much fun.

In a deserted part of the Docklands, Anna was on a rooftop watching a rather tense scene. Over the course of the night, she had already stopped a couple of robberies, a few burglaries and a mugging or two. However, this was probably the most serious situation she had encountered thus far. A car had pulled up in front of three more, and a twenty something young woman holding a briefcase had just come out of it. Two shifty looking men were standing next to one of the other cars. Anna knew this wasn't going to end well...

"Did you bring it?" one of the men asked.

"Y-yes, right here." said the woman, handing over the briefcase. The man took it and opened it. It was full of bank notes- Anna couldn't tell how much was in there, but she could tell it was a lot. As the men checked the contents, the woman spoke again.

"I got what you asked for. Now please, let him go!"

"Everything does appear to be in order. All right, bring him here."

One of the other men opened the door on one of the cars, and a scared looking man came out. He had his hands tied behind his back, and another man was pushing a gun into his back.

"N-Nancy!" the captive man cried out, as the man by the car door pulled out a knife and cut the rope that was binding him. He ran over to the woman and gave her a hug.

"Stuart... I was so worried." said Nancy. "I-I'm so sorry. If I'd have known it would end up like this... I should have listened to you all along. If I hadn't gotten so badly in debt... I wouldn't have had to turn to them and..."

"It's alright. The important thing is, we're still alive..."

Just as Stuart had said that, another man came out of the car he was held in, joining the other three men already outside. They were quickly joined by two more men, who came from the third car. The six of them all pulled out guns and aimed them at Stuart.

"Hey! What are you doing?" said Nancy. "I got you the money, and you're going to shoot us anyway?"

"Not you." said who Anna assumed was the leader of the men. "Just your husband. We need to make an example of him to remind you of what happens when you don't pay up on time."

Realising they were about to kill Stuart, Anna quickly pulled on her mask and hood, and removed a few smoke bombs from her belt.

"I can see where this is going. Time for some intervention from your friendly neighbourhood werewuff!"

Anna quickly threw her bombs in a few select parts of the area, making sure everywhere from the spot Nancy and Stuart were to the alleyway leading to the back of the building were covered in smoke. She then dove down to where the men were and grabbed the couple by their hands.

"Quick! This way!" she shouted as she darted through the smoke with the couple. Nancy and Stuart had no idea what was going on, nor how their saviour was able to see though all the smoke, but they were willing to put their trust in the newcomer. Anna quickly led them to the alley just as the gunmen were recovering from the smoke.

"Stay here." said Anna. "I'll take out those goons!"

"But you can't see through all this smoke. And they've got guns! You'll die!" said Stuart.

"Don't worry. I don't need my eyes to see, and I'm tougher than you think." Anna replied. "Just trust me."

No sooner had Anna said that, she heard the cocking of a gun in the distance. She quickly ran towards the goons, as one of them started firing off a few rounds. Using her hearing to tell when he was going to fire, Anna deftly jumped to make herself a harder target to hit. A third bullet managed to hit her shoulder, but this was nothing to her. She pounced forward and knocked the man over, before launching a leg sweep to take down one of his associates. She then quickly got up on her feet and punched a third man in the face. With that set of manoeuvrers, she had taken down half of the thugs, but there were still three more. She wanted to deal with them before the smoke had cleared, and thanks to her hearing she could tell where they were by their footsteps.

"Nope. You're not getting away!" she said as she threw a foam capsule in one direction, and a stasis disc in another. The goon who got in the way of the foam capsule was hit in the chest, thus the resulting foam covered both that and his arms, disabling him. The other thug was hit by the stasis disc and his movements started to slow down, giving Anna enough time to take down the remaining goon. He was about to fire his gun but Anna was quicker on the draw, firing her grappling hook at his legs. Having wrapped the grapple around them, Anna gave it a tug, throwing him on the ground. That just left the goon who had been slowed down by the stasis disc, but he was moving far too slowly for him to be a threat. With that, Anna playfully wandered over to him and knocked him out. As the smoke dissipated, Anna tied up all the goons and left them by the cars.

"Bloody hell. I think she did it!" said Stuart as he peeked out from the alley. After seeing that all the thugs were incapacitated, he and Nancy came out and approached Anna. She kept to the shadows so they wouldn't see her very well.

"Um... Thank you." said Nancy. "You saved my husband. Maybe me too. Who are you, anyway?"

"No one special." said Anna. "Just a girl who wants to make a difference. Are you alright?"

"A little shaken, but we're fine, thanks." said Stuart. "How did you do that anyway? I mean, beat up those guys in all that smoke?"

"I have my ways. In any case, I think you'd better get out of here. And if I may, madame? I'd be more careful about who you borrow money from in future if I were you... Be safe!"

Before Nancy could reply, Anna fired her grappling hook up at the rooftop she had come from and hoisted herself up over to it. As she flew into the air, Stuart caught something strange about the shape of the one who saved them.

"Was it just me, or did that woman have a tail?"

Amy walked home through the forest path with a sigh. She didn't get the part, though she came close. It wasn't a huge deal to her, but she still would have loved to have been a part of such a big production. Still, maybe it wasn't so bad. Maybe something even better would come along one day. She decided that once she got home, she'd have a nice long bubble bath. She needed it after that audition. With the thought of that bath in her mind, she decided to hurry home as soon as possible. That was why she took the forest route- because it was faster, and she knew the way like the back of her hand. She also knew it was safe. Besides, if someone tried anything, they'd be on the receiving end of a hefty kick. However, something seemed a little bit off tonight. Amy could have sworn she could hear the rustling of leaves. It couldn't have been the wind, as there wasn’t any. Then the only other thing that could have made that sound was something in the trees...

"Is... someone there?"

Amy looked around to see if she could spot anything, but there was nothing there. She started to feel a little nervous as she turned back to her original path… and found herself facing something that looked inhuman.

"Oh, fuck me..."

With her new photoshoot done and dusted, Kisa went to have a quick shower before joining Alice and Steve on their tour of the museum. She turned on the shower and lathered herself up before standing under it. As she showered, Kisa was thinking about what to do tomorrow. She didn't have any plans, so she wondered if she should just spend the day in bed watching TV. Kisa smiled to herself and settled on that for tomorrow. For now though, she just wanted to finish off her shower so she could rejoin Alice and Steve. But as soon as she reached for her shampoo to wash her hair, the shower turned itself off.

"Huh? This thing broken? These showers don't seem very well made..."

Kisa kept tapping the shower head, trying to get it working again. She was so preoccupied with it, she failed to notice the figure creeping up behind her until it was too late.


Before she realise what was going on, a sharp pair of teeth clamped down on her right shoulder. Kisa tried to scream again, but she couldn't. Soon, the figure let go of her and she slammed against the wall, slumping down and leaving a trail of blood on the wall as she slid down onto the floor. Her attacker skulked back into the shadows without even making a sound.

And Kisa would never be the same again.

Having escaped from the Solstice technologies building and having a decent amount of time trying out her new abilities, Kelly had decided to have a quick sit down to relax. Resting herself against a tree, she looked up at the full moon with a new found appreciation. As she was relaxing, a rabbit hopped its way into view and stopped when it saw her.

"Hey buddy." said Kelly. "You doing okay?"

The rabbit twitched its nose a little.

"Huh? What'd you say? Did I... just understand what you were saying?"

Kelly thought she was going crazy, but she could have sworn the rabbit was talking to her. Something along the lines of "What are you? I don't think I've seen another animal like you around."

"Uh... Well... I guess I'm a wolf. Don't worry about being eaten, though. You're too cute to maul. Besides, you're a very nothing meat, you know?"

The rabbit twitched again, and hopped its way towards Kelly, who then stroked its head.

"Heh heh... Of course you can trust me. You're a cute little guy, huh? I can't believe I can talk to you. Is this another werewolf thing, I wonder? Man, I'm feeling a little hungry right now. Good thing I packed a few bacon sandwiches with me. I'd ask if you'd like some, but I'm guessing that isn't really your thing, is it?"

Just as Kelly was about to reach into her backpack, she heard a scream in the distance, which made the rabbit run off.

"N-NO! Keep away from me!"

The scream was accompanied by the sound of footsteps, frantically trying to get away from something. Kelly recognised the voice instantly.

"Oh my god... Amy! Something's after her!"

Meanwhile, back at the Natural History Museum, Alice and Steve were at the main hall waiting for Kisa to come back. However, they were unaware of what had just happened to her.

"She's been gone for a while." said Steve. "Didn't she say she was only going for a quick shower?"

"Yeah. Wonder what's keeping her?"

As Alice was thinking, the security guard came down the stairs.

"I see Miss Justine hasn't come back yet..." he said.

"No, she hasn't." said Alice. "Can you go and check up on her, please? We're getting worried."

"I'll go see where she is."

The guard went back up the stairs, but didn't get further before...

"Agh! W-what the hell? Get back! I said get back, dammit! No! N-URRK!"

The scream immediately caught Alice and Steve's attention. They hurried up the stairs to see a gruesome sight. The guard was lying face up on the floor, dead. His entire body had been cut open, showing his guts and even his rib cage. Alice gagged at the sight, while Steve looked on in horror. In front of the pair was the one who committed the gory act, hidden in the shadows. It didn't stay that way for long though. It came out into the light, revealing it's true form. It was like a wolf, but it was huge, standing on its hind legs. Unlike Anna, Kelly, Amanda and Lucy, this wolf looked a lot more like a beast than it did human. It was completely covered in grey fur, and its fangs were in plain sight, covered in blood along with its mouth.

"The hell is this thing?" said Steve as the monster looked at them with murderous intent. Whatever it was, it had killed the guard. And it looked like Alice and Steve were next...
Anna Tyler/Luna
Gallery (43)
Leader of Wolf Team
21,813 views (19 this week)
Kisa Justine/Athena
Gallery (13)
Reluctant Werewolf
5,498 views (10 this week)
Kelly Stevenson/Brains
Gallery (21)
Wolf Team's Tech Genius
8,342 views (12 this week)
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