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The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 5
Stories » The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 5
Chapter five: The Werewolf Couple

"I feel like we've searched everywhere. Where the hell is she?!"

Alice couldn't remember the last time she'd been so worried, apart from the previous month when Anna had been attacked. Right now she was sitting in Steve's car, trying to rack her brains over potential places she could be. The two had been driving all around the area trying to find Anna, sometimes getting out to ask people on the street if they had seen her. However, no one had.

"I still don't get how she managed to leave through her bedroom window without killing herself." said Steve, who was also very worried. "Unless she sneaked out through the front door without you realising it. You did say you were playing on the PC with your headset on..."

"That's not unlikely, as it goes. Ugh, why didn't I keep a better eye on her?"

"Hey, stop blaming yourself. You couldn't have known something like this would happen."

"I know. I just... don't know what to do right now. Anna could be attacked again. W-what if she's trying to commit suicide?"

"Really, Alice? Anna would never do that. I've never seen her as happy as she is now. It's just not something I see her doing. Especially not now..."

"Y-yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed that." said Alice, while thinking to herself "It wouldn't have been the first time, though..."

The car stopped at some traffic lights, giving Steve the opportunity to look up at the moon.

"Say, Alice? When Anna was attacked, it was a full moon, right?"

Alice nodded while still trying to think about where Anna might be.

"Well, it's a full moon tonight, too. I wonder if..."

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there. Are you seriously suggesting that Anna's a werewolf or something?"

"It... may have been an idea..."

"Steve, I know you're into this kind of stuff, but there's no such thing as werewolves. It's just a fantasy. We're both worried about her, but we need to be realistic here."

"You're right. It was a pretty dumb idea. Then what DID happen to her?"

"I don't know. Tell you what, I think we should split up. You carry on looking in the car, and I'll go on foot. I'm desperate for a fag anyway."

"Sure thing." said Steve as Alice got out of the car and took out a cigarette. If there was one thing Steve didn't like about Alice, it was the fact that she smoked. However, she always did so away from both him and Anna so it wasn't too bad. He still quietly wished she would quit, though.

"If either of us find her, we'll call one another. Okay?" said Alice as she lit her cigarette.

"Got it. Good luck out there."

Steve drove off as Alice looked around. Anna had to be somewhere. But where? Alice was still full of dread thinking about what could have happened to her.

"Shit. The more this goes on, the more I regret this whole stupid move..."

Anna looked around the shop with a sparkle in her eyes. The amount of video games for sale was staggering. Some of them were ones she wanted for ages, and she even found a few she had never heard of before. There were also plenty of consoles for sale too, though none caught her eye more than that Neo Geo that was selling for one hundred and fifty pounds. She was in gaming paradise!

"Soooo many awesome things here!" she said excitedly. "Problem is, what do I buy? I'm on a budget..."

Obviously the Neo Geo was all hers, but what else? Anna just couldn't make her mind up. Maybe a game or two for it? But those were a bit on the pricey side. Maybe one of those games she never heard of? She was always on the look out for something new to try. Perhaps one of rare games she'd been hunting down for ages? She'd always wanted to play those ones. However, while she was thinking about what to buy...


Anna suddenly woke up.

"Fuuuuuuuck..." She thought to herself. "Another bloody dream about buying games. They're so annoying... Just when I think I've found something awesome, I wake up. Hate 'em."

Anna groaned as she turned over in her bed sheet. She suddenly caught an unusual sound- that of a grandfather clock.

"That's weird. I don't have one of those in my room. In fact, we don't have one in the entire house! Now that I think about it, this doesn't even feel like my bed!"

She quickly sat up and looked at her surroundings. This was definitely not her bed sheet, not her room, or even her house. She was on the sofa in some sort of living room, and a very big and lavish one to boot- at least twice the size of her own. The flooring was all wooden tiles, save for a few fake fur rugs next to the coffee table that was next to the sofa. There were a few more seats next to it, all of them leather. Just across from the coffee table was a big TV. Looking straight ahead from where she sat, she could see a large fireplace that wasn't lit. Just to it's left was the grandfather clock, which read 2:37. On the wall behind the sofa were a row of expensive looking curtains, obviously drawn in front of the windows.

"Where am I? How'd I end up here? Wait... What happened last night? And why can I see perfectly fine even though it's dark outside?" Anna thought as the realisation hit her. "Hang about, I feel kinda... fluffy..."

She pulled away the sheet she was wrapped in and saw that her entire body was covered in fur, barring her nipples and nether regions. She also saw her tail resting over her legs.

"That's right! I became a werewolf. Shit. Why couldn't THIS have been the dream? At least back there I had video games! Now I just have a tail... Bugger. Okay, Anna. No need to panic. You're only somewhere where you don't know where you are, you're all alone, you're a bloody werewolf, you're naked and worst of all, you don't have a Neo Geo. Why do I always attract trouble like a magnet? Well, I guess the only thing I can do right now is get up and take a look around. What's the worst that can happen? Some kind of nasty bio weapon? No problem, right? I only have razor sharp claws and superhuman agility. I think I can handle myself. Yeah, I think I should check this place out a bit."

Anna wrapped herself around her sheet and stood up, only to find herself losing balance and falling back on the sofa. She looked down at her big fluffy foot paws and came to another realisation. She was unused to walking on two feet in this form. She'd spent pretty much all her time as a werewolf on all fours as it felt more natural. Walking as though she was a regular human, though... That seemed to be trickier.

"Correction. I should check this place out a bit after I figure out how to walk on these damn paws..."

It didn't take quite as long for Anna to learn how to walk on her hind legs as she thought it would. She found the trick to it was to treat walking as though she was on tip toes, and before long she was walking normally just fine. While she was at it, she decided to learn how to move her tail a bit more naturally too. This didn't take too long either, though it didn't have much room to move inside the sheet Anna was wearing. Now that she was a little bit more proficient at moving in her new form, she left the living room and started looking around. She quickly saw how big the house was, and realised she was in some kind of mansion.

"Wait a sec. I wonder if this is the same mansion Alice and I saw on our way to that restaurant the night I was attacked? I can't think of anywhere else like it around here. If it is, that would make getting back home easier. Not that I want to do that looking like this..."

Anna sighed as she realised Alice was probably worried sick about her. But she knew there was nothing she could do right now. The best she could do was think up an excuse about where she was last night. For now though, she had to keep moving. She wasn't going to achieve anything just standing there pondering. She continued her trek though the mansion until she found herself in what appeared to be a bedroom. It was a very nice looking one as well, and included a grand four poster bed, an exquisite looking wardrobe and even a few chairs. But what caught Anna's eye more than anything was a beautiful and tall mirror.

"You know... I haven't had a good look at myself as a werewolf yet. I mean, I've seen my body and my tail, but I don't know what I really look like. Maybe I should take a look."

Spying a light switch on the opposite wall, Anna walked over to it and flicked it before closing her eyes, removing her sheet and walking back up to the mirror. She slowly opened her eyes again, dreading what she was about to see...

"W... wow."

As she looked at her reflection for the first time since she transformed, Anna was amazed at her appearance. She actually looked stunning. She was quite pretty as a human, but now she looked even better than that. While her fur did look a little dirty and messed up, that had only been because she'd been lying on the dirty ground in the forest clearing for god knows how long. And that had done nothing to dull it's gorgeous colours. This was also the first time she noticed her now dark blue hair, as well as the light blue and white highlights. As for her eyes, she could see her now yellow irises and she was immediately struck by how beautiful they looked. She then looked at her muzzle. It was fairly small, and surprisingly, very cute. Lifting up her gums, she then took a good look at her teeth.

"Damn, these look sharp. Note to self: Do not bite my tongue by accident in this form."

Her attention now turned to her body and her jaw dropped. Aside from her dirty fur, she looked beautiful. She was taller in this form, but she always thought werewolves were more muscular in appearance. Anna on the other hand had quite the slender figure. Her legs were quite long and striking, and as for her breasts... Well, she already knew they were bigger than they were before. She looked so glamorous.

"My god, I'm one sexy howler." she thought while giggling. "I could actually pull quite a few guys looking like this! Never mind the fact I'm a wolf, there are people who go for that kind of thing. Honestly, this is really awesome. I thought being a werewolf was all slobbering and snarling and killing. But I'm nothing like that at all! Maybe this isn't so bad..."

While Anna was admiring herself, her ears picked up a new sound. It appeared to be two voices. They were a little muffled, but it seemed like they were giggling. Swivelling her ears about, Anna figured they must have been coming from the other side of the mansion. The question was, whether or not to investigate?

"Eh. I may as well check it out. Not like I have anything better to do."

Stopping only to wrap herself back in her sheet, Anna started to trace the voices using her enhanced hearing. As she suspected, it led her to the other side of the mansion where the voices were starting to become more audible.

"Ohhh... Don't get too frisky now, madame!"

"You're no fun, sweetie. Maybe if I did... this?!"

"Ah! You know my neck's my weak point..."

One of the voices sounded somewhat familiar to Anna, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She could also tell they were close. Quietly, she crept up to the door she was certain the voices were coming from. No mistake about it, they were at their loudest right here. Pressing herself against the wall, Anna listened in a little more.

"Oh, hell yes! Right there!"

"See? I know your weak point too!"

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Anna thought as she crept right next to the door.

She stretched her arm to the doorknob, quickly turned it and rushed into the room- only to be greeted by quite a sight. Two more werewolves! The one on the left had blonde hair and was half covered in dark brown fur, while her muzzle, stomach, inner thighs and lower legs were a pure white colour. She was also almost as impressively endowed as Anna. As for the one on the right, her fur pattern was very similar, only her muzzle, stomach, inner thighs and lower legs were a mauve colour, while the rest of her was violet along with white hair. Her breasts were smaller and perkier than either of the other two wolves in the room. She also appeared to be licking one of the nipples of the other wolf.

"Ooooo...kay. I really didn't need to see that..." said Anna before quickly covering her mouth. She hadn't realised it before, since she hadn't actually spoken out loud since her transformation, but her voice sounded a little different to what it used to be. A little deeper, though still feminine without a doubt.

"Oh." said the violet wolf, blushing. "This is kind of embarrassing... It's good to see you up on your feet, though. How are you feeling?"

"I honestly don't know." Anna replied. "This kind of thing has never happened to me before. I've honestly no idea what to think. Although... I don't hate it..."

"That's understandable." said the blonde, reaching for a nightgown which she then put on. "That first transformation is a doozy, isn't it? Especially when you're not expecting it. Still, at least you seem to be okay... Um..."

She gestured towards Anna, who could tell what she was asking for.

"Oh. Anna. Anna Tyler." she said. "And I'm sorry to spoil your fun ladies, but if you're expecting me to have a threesome with you, I'm not interested. I do have some questions, though."

"Perish the thought." said the violet wolf, who was also putting on a nightgown. "I can imagine you have a lot on your mind though. If you have something to ask, we'll answer as best we can."

"Okay, to start off with... What's going on? Who are you? WHAT are you? What the hell am I? What is this place and why'd you kidnap me?"

"Oh, my." said the blonde. "That's a lot of questions. Well, to start off, I think you know what we are. Before you ask, no, neither of us are the one who bit you. That's not our style. As for who we are... Well, my name is Amanda Richards. This lovely lady here is Lucy Travers. And yes, we're an item. Next, we didn't kidnap you. We brought you here for your own safety. Once it's morning and you're back to normal, you're free to leave."

"My own safety?"

"Well, you were unconscious in the middle of a forest clearing when we found you. I know that's a spot few people ever go to, but that doesn't mean no one ever does. If a human found you before we did, well... there's no telling what could have happened."

"Okay. And how did you find me?"

"Your scent." said Lucy. "Werewolves have a very distinct scent which no normal human can detect. It's very similar to that of a normal wolf, but only those with a strong sense of smell can detect it. Amanda here smelt it on you when you last met her a few weeks ago, and we made it our priority to find you on the next full moon in case you ended up becoming a danger to yourself and others. Luckily, it seems you made it through your first night pretty well."

"Last met..." Anna said while looking at Amanda. "Hold on... It's you! The woman from the costume shop! Now I see how you were able to catch me all those times I tripped up in front of the shop..."

"That's me." said Amanda. "And yeah, I'm pretty fast. One of the perks. Believe it or not though, I'm actually faster than even most other werewolves. It's kind of my unique talent."

"Wait, we have unique talents?"

"Sort of. You see, when a human is turned there's a chance it may trigger some kind of... let's just call it a genetic mutation. It only occurs in those who've been turned, as opposed to those who are born werewolves from the start. Long story short, those of us who were turned sometimes get unique abilities no pureblood werewolf has. In my case, it's super speed. Lucy doesn't have any unique skills, unfortunately. Like I said, it only affects certain people."

"I get it." said Anna. "Damn, there's even more to this than I originally thought. Speaking of, the actual transformation- does it always feel that good? I was expecting something a lot more painful."

"The first one certainly does." said Lucy. "What basically happens is the brain creates special endorphins which causes the body to go into a state of pure ecstasy. This numbs any pain caused by the transformation. However, the more times you change the more your body gets used to it, so each transformation becomes less painful than the last. With that, your brain will create less of these endorphins each time until it stops completely. By then you'll be fully used to changing anyway."

"Right. So, next question. How did you two become werewolves? Or were you born like this?"

"Now that's a good question." said Amanda. "For starters, we were both turned. I've personally been a werewolf for just over a year, and Lucy about six months. I was turned a few months after we started dating, actually. It happened one night when I was driving home from work. It had literally just got dark, and I turned on my headlamps so I could see where I was going. But as I did so, a woman ran straight into my car, and I accidentally ran her over. I got out to see if she was okay, but she didn't seem to be moving. I was a little worried. But before I could go get help, she sprang back to life and bit me on my hand. She then ran off in a panic, stopping only to say "I'm so sorry..." to me. I don't think she meant to do it."

"So, you didn't go to the hospital?"

"No, it was only a small bite and it had already healed up by the time I got home, which I found surprising. I went to bed like it was nothing, but the next morning... I woke up and saw my body had changed. Like, my figure was sexier. A bit more buxom. I had no idea what caused it, but I wasn't complaining. I thought I looked great."

"Really? My boobs are bigger than they used to be, but they didn't grow until I actually became a werewolf. So why did your body change as a human?"

"I think different people react to werewolf bites in different ways." said Lucy. "How one person changes may not necessarily be how another does. In Amanda's case, her figure changed the day after she was bitten and it's been that way ever since."

"Exactly." said Amanda as she continued. "In any case, everyone at my workplace were impressed with the new me, though most of them believed I had a boob job. Can't blame them really. Lucy found it hard to believe herself. That aside, everything else was pretty normal until the next full moon, when I changed for the first time. I was reading in my bedroom when it happened and I still remember it vividly. It felt like the best sex I'd ever had. After the change I spent pretty much the whole night admiring myself in the mirror while adjusting to my new form. I spent a lot of time feeling my fur as well. By the end of the night I couldn't resist... well, I think that's too much information. Let's just say I was howling in a very different way..."

"Yeah, too much information." said Anna, turning to Lucy. "What about you, Lucy?"

"That's... kind of embarrassing, actually. I guess it sort of started on Amanda's second full moon. We were living together by then, and she had made specifically sure I wouldn't be around on that night so I wouldn't find out her secret. As such, she gave me a ticket to a major West End show for that night, but said she couldn't go as she could only afford just the one. I left the house, and got about half way down the street when I realised I forgot my ticket. So I went back in and found the house was empty. Or so I thought. It turned out Amanda had transformed and was hiding from me in the living room. She turned out to be hiding behind the sofa, and forgot to hide her tail! It gave her position away, and I ended up coming face to face with her in her werewolf form!"

"Let me just stop you there." said Anna. "You said you were living together. In this mansion?"

"No, we were living in a regular house back then. So, I saw Amanda in her wolf form for the first time and while I was certainly surprised, I also wasn't afraid. In fact, I found her even more attractive. I mean, I'm not one of those so called "Furries" you see on the internet, but something about her as a wolf just appealed to me. After that, every full moon we'd have a... shall we say... special evening. It didn't matter that she was a wolf and I was a human. We loved each other, and that's all that mattered. Then, one full moon we were feeling particularly frisky. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew Amanda had bitten me by accident. I actually became a werewolf right there and then. Right afterwards, I checked myself out in the mirror and then pretty much pounced on Amanda. I think she felt a little bit guilty about turning me, but after some intimate time, She realised that I was loving it. We've never really figured it out why I changed instantly when most change at the next full moon, but that's what happened. How about you, Anna? How did you get turned?"

"Well, my story is a lot more boring than yours. I was on my way to the shops to get some milk when I was attacked and bitten. I probably only survived due to a car alarm that scared it off. If it hadn't been for that, I probably would have been dead. Though... You mentioned earlier I seemed to make it through my first night with no problem. What makes you think that? For all you know, I might have attacked countless people!"

"You didn't have the smell of blood on you when we found you." said Amanda. "If you had attacked anyone, you would have had that smell on you for sure. But you didn't. When we first learned you were one of us, we did fear that you'd become a feral, so thank god were wrong."


"As far as we're aware, there are two kinds of werewolves out there." said Lucy. "Feral wolves are the more traditional types that you hear about in stories. The ones that actually attack people without any kind of control over themselves, and are more like regular animals. Only more vicious, of course. Then there's us. We're considered to be "normal" werewolves. More humanoid than ferals, and able to think freely and control themselves. Apparently normal werewolves can still turn feral if they completely lose control of their emotions, but it's very rare."

"You really know a lot about all this. How?"

"Well, we have a friend who taught us everything we know. She's been teaching us how to hone our abilities as well. Nice lady, really. I think you'd like her if you met her. She could teach you a lot."

"Who is she? Another werewolf?"

"Not exactly." said Lucy. "Let's just say werewolves aren't the only mythical creatures that exist in this world. There are many more out there, just not in the capacity you may be thinking. A lot of what you hear in legends aren't true. Either that, or there's far more to them than you've been told. I'm sure you'll learn more as time goes on anyway, since you're now part of this world."

"So, you have any more questions?" asked Amanda.

"Far too many. There's still so much I don't get..." Anna's words were cut off by a tremendous rumble from her stomach. She was unbelievably hungry.

"Ah, ha ha... I haven't eaten since dinner." she said. "I guess I need a lot more food than normal humans too, huh?"

"You'll want to eat plenty of meat, that's for sure." said Amanda. "We have plenty in the kitchen though. Feel free to help yourself to what's in the fridge, just don't eat us out of house and home, okay?"

"Sounds good. Where is it?"

"Just go down the main stairs in the hall and you'll find it on your right. We can show you the way if you want."

"Nah, that's okay. I wouldn't want to interrupt anymore of your "personal time". You, uh... carry on what you were doing when I found you..."

"Well, okay." said Lucy. "In that case, we'll see you in the morning. If there's anything else you want to talk about though, let us know. We can tell this must be a hard time for you right now, but you don't have to go through it alone. And don't go thinking you're a monster, okay? The fact you went the whole night without attacking anyone proves that you're not."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out already. G'night."

Anna left the two wolves to go about their business so she could find the kitchen. When she found it, she was impressed with how big it was. Everything from the breakfast bar to the larder was huge. But it was the fridge Anna was most interested in, and that was almost as big as the freezer. Inside, she found all sorts of mouth watering meats on display. Ham, turkey, chicken, already cooked sausages, even the corned beef looked delicious, and she used to hate that. There was a lot of it, too. That made sense, given that both Amanda and Lucy needed to go through a lot of it themselves. Anna grabbed a plate and loaded it up with as much as she could, then munched her way through it. Meat had never tasted so good to her. Satisfied at her early morning feast, Anna then decided to retire to the sitting room where she woke up earlier. As she lay down on the sofa, she thought about everything that had happened to her during the night. There were still so many questions on her mind, the least of which was how she was going to explain this to Alice when she got home. Of course, she couldn't tell her she became a werewolf, so what could she say? As she thought about it, she eventually drifted off to sleep again...
Anna Tyler/Luna
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Leader of Wolf Team
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