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The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 4
Stories » The Wolf Team Chronicles- Chapter 4
Chapter four: Awakening & Metamorphosis

It had now been a good thirty days since Anna had been attacked, and things had been going like nothing ever happened. Anna was still going on her morning runs and was still quite active even during the night, although she had been a lot more careful since the attack. She and Alice were also still struggling to find work, though Alice came extremely close to getting a job as a receptionist for a small publishing firm- something that helped convince her employment was just around the corner. For now though, she and Anna were enjoying their free time at least a little bit. On this particular day they were wandering around Hyde Park with Kelly, who they had seen very little of over the last month due to her contract job at Solstice Technologies.

"So, you guys hyped for the full moon tonight?" said Kelly as they walked around the park.

"Why bring that up?" said Anna. "I mean, it's pretty and all but I don't see any reason to be all excited about it."

"Just making conversation. You two have been a little quiet."

"Yeah, sorry about that." said Alice. "A lot's happened this last month, you know? Oh hey, why not tell us about how things are going at Solstice? Anything interesting?"

"Nothing I can tell you about. Though I can say the people I work with are fun. The project leader is a real nice guy. Always looking out for us. Always making sure we're okay. He even talks to us about geek stuff. Honestly, if I wasn't a freelancer I'd quite happily work there full time."

"Sounds pretty good. Kinda makes me wish I was a science type myself. Say, Anna. Wouldn't you want to get into science and get a cool job there? Anna? Hello?"

Anna wasn't answering. She was instead staring at the ground, her head spinning and her vision becoming hazy.

"You okay, Anna?" said Kelly. "You look a little out of it."

"Uh... Y-yeah. Just a little light headed is all." said Anna. "Think I could just use some water."

"Okay, let's go get some then." said Alice.

"Or better yet... Ice cream!" said Kelly enthusiastically.

"Ice cream sounds great actually." laughed Anna. "I'm feeling better already!"

She wasn't joking, either. Her head was genuinely beginning to clear up a bit. She wondered what those strange symptoms were all about. She ultimately shook it off, thinking nothing more of it.

After an ice cream break, the trio decided to head on back home. Kelly had another shift in the evening so she had to make a move anyway.

"Are we good for that Tennis game on Thursday, Kel?" asked Alice as they arrived home.

"Sure." said Kelly. "Unless I'm turned into a Scotsman by alien blancmanges who want to win Wimbledon. Or I'm asked back in to the lab. Whichever comes first."

Anna had to laugh at Kelly's response. "Ah, one of the underappreciated Monty Python sketches, there."

"You want to know something neat?" said Alice. "Kelly can recite every Monty Python sketch word for word."

"Bloody hell. That's... a bit geeky."

"It's true though." said Kelly. "I have a real love for vintage comedy. The Two Ronnies, Morcambe & Wise, Dad's Army, even the more modern stuff like The Fast Show. Big fan of all that stuff."

"I can't say I'm all that surprised, actually." replied Anna. "That sounds a lot like you."

Kelly chuckled.

"Well, my parents are major geeks themselves. I never stood a chance."

"Anyway, we'll catch you on Thursday." said Alice. "I'll see if I can bring Steve along and we can have a doubles game or something. With the four of us, it should be pretty fun."

"Sure thing." said Kelly. "See ya!"

As Kelly left, Alice turned to look at Anna.

"Feeling better now?" she asked.

"Much. Sorry about back there. I honestly don't know what came over me. I just... didn't feel right."

"Well, the important thing is you're okay now. Maybe tonight we can watch a movie or something?"

"Maybe. At the cinema or at home?"

"Depends on what's on, really. We'll take a look after dinner, alright?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Alice unlocked the door and the two went inside, little realising that neither of them would have any time for movies tonight...

After they had eaten dinner, Anna decided to wash up while Alice looked up film times for the cinema. As Anna looked out the window, she noticed the sun was setting. Suddenly, a sharp pain hit her in the head, causing her to drop the dish she was drying.

"Ah! The fuck was that?"

"Anna? You okay?" said Alice, who had heard the dish drop from the living room.

"I-I don't know. My head's hurting... I'm feeling a little dizzy too..."

"Like you were earlier? Shit... Here, let me check your temperature."

Alice put her hand to Anna's forehead.

"Dammit. You're burning up. I think you might need to call it a night already. You could use some rest."

"But what about that... ngh... movie?"

"Listen to yourself! You're in pain, you have a fever and you're struggling to even stand up! No, I think the movie can wait. Go to bed and get some rest, okay?"

"F-fine. G'night..."

Anna shuffled her way to her bedroom and got changed for bed. She really wasn't feeling up to her usual cup of tea before going to sleep, so she just took some Anadin for her head, then climbed into her bed and shut her eyes. Meanwhile, Alice wondered what to do now that her original plans had been cancelled.

"Hmm. Well, I still have that final mission in the new Total War game to do. May as well try and finish that. Gonna have to check on Anna every now and again, too. Can't help but worry about her..."

About an hour had passed, and Anna was feeling restless. The headache and fever were both fading and she was feeling less dizzy, but something still felt off. She couldn't fall asleep at all. She had gone to bed a lot earlier than usual, but even then she felt that she surely should have dozed off by now. She closed her eyes again, but they opened up again almost immediately after. She had never been so awake in her life. She sat up and rubbed her head.

"Dammit. What's up with me tonight?"

Before she could think any more, another strange sensation came over her. Like... she wanted to go outside. Almost in a trance, she put on her favourite bunny slippers and walked towards the window. Opening it, she looked at the tall tree in front of her, climbed out of the window and grabbed onto it before climbing down. As soon as she reached the bottom she walked away from the house, not really knowing where she was going. Meanwhile, Alice was still playing on the PC, completely unaware that Anna had left the house.

Anna wandered around the forest near the house, still not sure what she was doing. It was quiet, and strangely empty. She hadn't seen anyone since she started wandering. As she kept walking, she suddenly began to feel sick. Her head also started spinning again, this time worse than ever. Furthermore, her heart started to pound like crazy. She groaned out, hoping someone would hear her, but it was sadly not to be. Anna finally came to a stop in a small park surrounded by large trees, where she fell to her knees. Looking up, she could see that despite the length of the trees the sky was perfectly visible, as was something else very noticable.

The full moon.

Anna looked up at it in fascination. The more she looked at it, the more her symptoms seemed to dissipate. Before she knew it, she was feeling better again. However, she couldn't quite gather the strength to get up on her feet again, and her heart was still beating like it was about to jump out of her chest. That was when her chest suddenly felt tighter and more uncomfortable, and it wasn't because of her heart. She looked down and saw something unusual- her breasts seemed to be larger than they used to be. And they were still growing.

"W-what the?! That's not normal..."

Anna continued to look at her ever expanding cleavage as her pyjama top got even more uncomfortable. Ultimately unable to take anymore, she unbuttoned her top to give her bust it's much needed freedom. It wasn't long after that her chest stopped growing, her once D cup bust now an impressive FF. Anna took a quick look at them, wondering what was going on. But her attention quickly turned to her fingernails- they were growing as well. They grew to twice their original size, then started to shape into what appeared to be black claws. Feeling her teeth with her tongue, she realised they were also starting to sharpen and grow slightly. What she couldn't see was her ears starting to stretch out into points.

"Mmmmmmm... Ahhhh!"

Suddenly, a feeling of intense pleasure engulfed her entire body. She still had no idea what was going on, but it was starting to feel good- and a little itchy. Looking down again at her newly developed breasts, she suddenly noticed what looked like light blue hair starting to grow between them. Navy blue hair was also starting to sprout from her new claws, while the tips of her fingers and the top of her palms where starting to grow into leathery looking pads. They were starting to look like paws. Anna realised that she wasn't growing hair- it was fur! The light blue fur that was forming between her breasts was now spreading over them as well as her navel, and heading rapidly towards her crotch. She then heard a rip coming from her pyjama top. It was starting to rip from the centre of her back as a result of the navy blue fur that was now spreading across her back, as well as her now increasing height. The next thing she knew, her feet began to feel under intense pressure. Her bunny slippers burst as her feet grew much bigger, already covered in navy blue fur and paw pads having already formed. That layer of fur was also rapidly spreading up her legs, causing her pyjama trousers to rip as well.

While all this was going on Anna felt the bottom of her spine pulsate, as though something was about to burst out. And it did- bursting out of her pyjama bottoms was a slowly growing tail. It started off being just skin, but quickly sprouted navy blue fur as well. By now her pyjama top had been completely ripped in half and both halves dropped to the floor, leaving Anna's upper body completely exposed. Her nose started to turn black and wet, and more fur started to sprout from it- navy blue fur engulfing the top half of her face, and light blue over the bottom half. The navy blue fur was also growing over her ears, which were now growing and pointing up even more until they became a pair of pointy wolf ears. With most of her face also now covered in fur, her nose and mouth started to push outward until they formed a small canine muzzle. Her tongue also became longer with it. Anna started panting like a dog as she was still overcome with pleasure at her transformation. She was now starting to realise what was happening, but she was rather surprised at how good it felt. She was expecting it to be agonizingly painful, but it was quite the opposite.

There were very few areas of her skin that wasn't now covered in fur, and even those were filling in very quickly. The irises of her eyes turned a magnificent yellow colour, while her usually black hair was now turning dark blue with light blue and white highlights. Her foot paws got bigger and fluffier and her tail, now navy blue, grew out to her ankles. By now her pyjama bottoms had also been ripped to pieces, now leaving Anna completely naked except for all the fur now covering her body. Her transformation complete, the only thing left for Anna to do was let out a triumphant howl at the moon before she finally dropped, her change having spent most of her energy.

"Phew! That was pretty tough, but I made it!" said Alice as the end credits of her game started to roll. Another Real Time Strategy game lay defeated. This was Alice's favourite genre of game, and she excelled at them. She loved having to think up new tactics and strategies, and while they may not have always worked they were always sound.

"Right, time to check on Anna. Been a few hours, so hopefully she's doing better."

Alice left the PC for a little while and went to Anna's bedroom. She opened the door just enough so she could peek through and took a quick look, and was hit by the sight of Anna's empty bed with the duvet on the floor, and the open window.

"What the hell?!" Alice said in a panic. "Did she... Did she jump out of the window?"

She immediately ran outside to see if Anna was lying there, but she saw no one. She then had a quick look around the house to see if Anna was anywhere in there, but couldn't find her at all. Beginning to get frantic, she got her phone and quickly called Steve.

"Hello?" said Steve on the other line.

"Steve? It's Alice. Ummm... We have a problem. A big problem..."

It only took a few minutes for Anna to recover from her transformation, and with that she sat up on her knees, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. She took a good look at her hands. They now looked like a cross between human hands and animal paws. She wriggled her fingers a few times then felt her new muzzle, along with her new ears.

"What is this?" she asked herself. "Pointy ears, long nose, paws, fur..."

Anna then felt her newly grown tail swishing left and right.

"And a tail too. Holy shit, did I... Did I just turn into a werewolf? It IS a full moon, after all. But... What does that mean? Am I some kind of monster now? A killer? Oh god... No, I don't want that!"

Before Anna could think about it further, she heard something in the distance. In fact, she could hear quite a few things- things she had never heard before. She realised her hearing had been dramatically improved. But the sound she specifically pin pointed was the sound of voices. Voices that were heading her way.

"Fuck! I can't be seen like this! I gotta hide..."

Anna quickly gathered up what was left of her pyjamas and threw them into a conveniently placed bin, before grabbing onto one of the nearby trees and climbing it. As she climbed she realised how much more agile she had become. Having reached the top of the tree, she found the darkest part of it and hid there. No sooner had she done so, had a young couple walked into the park. They both seemed to be teenagers, and the male was holding a beer can which Anna could hear sloshing around. She was quite amazed that she was able to make that sound out, especially considering how high up she was.

"You sure this is a good spot?" said the female. Despite her position, Anna heard her as though she was right there next to them.

"Of course." said the male, sitting down on one of the swings. "Nice quiet spot, this. Not many people come here at night, so it'll be just us. You're talking like we're doing something we shouldn't."

"I know you just want a quiet place to sit, but I don't know. This place is a little creepy."

"Not many places around here that don't feel like that, really. Trust me, this is one of the best places in town if you just want to be on your own for a little bit. Well, apart from that small clearing in the forest just out of town, but that's a little far to walk just for some quiet. And it ain't somewhere you want to be in the night."

The young woman sat next to who Anna assumed was her boyfriend. Right now, Anna didn't know what scared her more- her position being given away and her being discovered, or the potential urge to attack them. She hadn't felt that urge yet, but would it only be a matter of time?

"Want some of my beer?" asked the boyfriend. "It's good shit."

"Nah. Why get your drool from a can when I can get it like this..." the girl said as she kissed him. The two started snogging, while Anna continued to stay perfectly still on her perch.

"C'mon guys, can't you be all lovey dovey elsewhere?" she thought to herself. "You could be in danger if you stay here. From me! Or even that thing that bit me last month! Come on, get out of here before I start wanting to make you two my own personal chew toys!"

They didn't comply. They stayed exactly where they were, sometimes messing about on the other rides and more often that not kissing some more. This was torture for Anna, who was still in her hiding place in the trees, still afraid of making them her first prey. Strangely though, she still never felt the need to do so. About half an hour later, she finally heard the words she'd been so desperate to hear.

"Come on, I think we've had enough fun. Wanna get a curry and go home?" said the girl.

"Sure. I'm well hungry. But... your place or mine?" said the boyfriend, placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Mine. I think your sister's home, right? She doesn't like me much."

"Yeah, good point. Shall we?"

The pair finally left the park, much to Anna's relief. She waited until they were well and truly out of sight and slid down the tree she was hiding in. Finally on the ground again, she dropped on all fours and started to think.

"Wow. That was unexpected. I didn't even try and scare them, let alone take a chunk out of them. But... I thought that's what werewolves do? They're supposed to be violent monsters, right? The one that attacked me certainly was. And yet... I was in control the whole time. No urge to kill. Ugh, I don't get it. But I can't say I'm not relieved. I was afraid I'd go out of control back there. But I still feel like me, even with fur and a tail."

Anna's attention was suddenly directed towards all the smells around her. She hadn't noticed it before, but her sense of smell had also improved tenfold. She could smell it all- The trees, the tarmac, even the alcohol from the teenage boy's beer from earlier. Her nose wrinkled when she realised she could also smell the excrement left behind by a fox. Anna gagged for a moment, then decided to try and focus her attention elsewhere.

"So, what now? No way I can stay here. What if someone else shows up? I mean, I'm a fucking WEREWOLF! And my naughty parts are in plain view. That's two reasons I don't want to be seen. Going home's out of the question too. I'd probably scare Alice to death. So what can I do? Hmm. Didn't that kid back there mention a forest clearing just out of town that no one goes to? Maybe I should find that and stay there for the night. Of course, knowing my luck there'll be a ton of people there. But it's as good an idea as any. Gonna have to go through the streets though. That'll be fun looking like this..."

Her mind made up, Anna headed out into the street- still on all fours- in the hope of finding the forest the teenage boy had mentioned...

This turned out to be very silly thing to do.

Though Anna was keeping to the shadows and only moved when it was safe to do so, there was one minor point she failed to bear in mind. The park had been quiet and peaceful, but the streets on the other hand... They were a hive of activity- and there was a lot more noise. More than Anna could handle at this moment. The sounds of car engines- some being revved up by wannabe boy racers, drunk revellers staggering home shouting as loudly as possible, some even singing, the buzzing of the street lights, there was nothing she couldn't hear. And it was driving her crazy. So not only did she have to avoid being spotted, she had to deal with all the noise that was assaulting her ears. The smells did little to help either. Anna was still unused to her superior senses, and she felt as if her brain was overloading. On the plus side she found she could see perfectly in the dark, even without light. It was almost as though she had night vision. She was almost enjoying it, but the sheer sensory overload from her other senses were putting a major damper on things. Still, she knew she couldn't give up now. The consequences of being discovered were too much to think about right now.

She eventually found an alley to hide in, but there was now an even bigger snag. It seemed as though most of the people who had been to the pub were now leaving, and the streets were now packed. There was no way Anna could make a move without being seen now. She had to think of another plan.

"Crap! Too many people around. That forest can't be too far from here, but how am I going to get there now? C'mon Anna, think! There has to be something I can do..."

Anna looked at the walls in between her.

"Hmmm. If I can't go through the streets, maybe I can go through the rooftops. Wall jumping? Wall jumping!"

Anna jumped at the wall in front of her, hoping to jump off from it and onto the other wall. However, she just slammed straight into it.

"Owww..." She thought as she slid down onto the floor. She picked herself up and tried again. It took many attempts, but eventually Anna was able to use her powerful hind legs to jump from one wall to the next. She still had difficulty trying to get the hang of the timing and momentum needed to continuously jump between the walls, but after a while she was able to jump all the way up to the top- and just barely grabbed the edge of the roof.

"Oof... Video games made that look easier than it really is..." Anna thought to herself as she pulled herself up. She then had a look around. She was usually nervous when it came to heights, but being on the rooftops as a werewolf... She didn't feel any fear in that department now. In fact, if it hadn't been for the fact her senses were still in overdrive through all the sounds and smells, it would have felt exhilarating. Gritting her teeth in the hope of numbing her senses somewhat, she sprinted forward and jumped over to the next building. Not stopping, she continued to jump from building to building until they ran out. She finally stopped and took a look back.

"Wow! Did I just do that? That's incredible!"

Anna felt a huge sense of accomplishment at what she had just done. She had really turned the taps on what her new body was capable of and she loved it. The speed, the agility, the grace... It was intoxicating. But she knew she couldn't stop now. She was still overwhelmed by her senses at the moment, and she needed to find a safe place to hide. Thankfully, to her right she could see a big forest right at the end of the street.

"That must be it!"

Anna had never looked so happy in her life. But she still needed to get down there. Moving towards the edge of the building, she slowly peeked down to see if anyone was around. The immediate area seemed empty, but Anna didn't want to take any real chances. She glanced forward to see the trees right across the road.

"Can I jump over there, perhaps? I know I don't want to take any risks, but... Oh, what the hell! Got to live a little, right?"

With that, Anna took a run up, took a deep breath and sprinted towards the edge of the building. As soon as she reached the edge, she took a huge leap towards the trees on the other side. It seemed to be a tall order, but she just barely managed to reach them. She landed chest first on a branch, and quickly wrapped her arms around it.

"Ouch!" she thought as she realised that when she landed, the branch went right between her breasts. "These new boobs are a bit of a nuisance, aren't they? How does Kisa manage with these things? But at least I didn't get seen..."

Anna slid down the tree and immediately bolted into the forest. The deeper she went, the quieter it became, and her brain was finally able to calm down somewhat. Finally, she came across the clearing she was searching for. It was only small, but it felt so peaceful. Nothing but trees and rocks, but Anna could see the sky perfectly, as well as the full moon. It had never looked so beautiful. Anna couldn't resist the urge to howl at it, and she did so as loudly and confidently as she could.

"Man, that felt good! I could get used to this... U-uh... What the hell? I feel... really... tired all of a sudden..."

Suddenly, Anna felt her strength leave her. She couldn't explain it, but it seemed the overloading of her senses, along with the way she was pushing herself and the initial shock of her transformation, had proven too much for her. She collapsed and blacked out...
Anna Tyler/Luna
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Leader of Wolf Team
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Kelly Stevenson/Brains
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Wolf Team's Tech Genius
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