Sona Character
28 (immortal Lived over 2000 years)
FlyingFox Vampire
Body Type:
Mortician/Photographer/Gamer/Serial Killer
- Able to inhabit the knowledge and understanding of anyone he deems to feed on.
- Can adapt his accent depending on his pallet
- Eyes change to Red glow when enraged
- Eyes become glowing reflective beads in shroud
- Wings able to summon on and off and also become large wyvern wings when enraged
- Controls the weather to prevent too much UV rays
- Fur and skin very sensitive to sunlight so he applies a sort of Sunblock specialized for his fur and skin
- Ribbons on his suit linked to his sensors making them almost like feelers when he feels for vibrations of his victims
- Able to become invisible for short moments due to reflecting the light off his coat and shadow stepping
- Has a rich taste.
- Is a bit childish at times due to his friends he surrounds himself with.
- eyes also Sensitive to light so he wears special box sunglasses to protect his eyes
- Has a keen sense of smell and hearing
- Large tail has the same power force as a gator
- Crosses and Holy water do Not work on him.
- Tends to feed on victims once a week to keep himself sustained and not engorged
- Can adapt his accent depending on his pallet
- Eyes change to Red glow when enraged
- Eyes become glowing reflective beads in shroud
- Wings able to summon on and off and also become large wyvern wings when enraged
- Controls the weather to prevent too much UV rays
- Fur and skin very sensitive to sunlight so he applies a sort of Sunblock specialized for his fur and skin
- Ribbons on his suit linked to his sensors making them almost like feelers when he feels for vibrations of his victims
- Able to become invisible for short moments due to reflecting the light off his coat and shadow stepping
- Has a rich taste.
- Is a bit childish at times due to his friends he surrounds himself with.
- eyes also Sensitive to light so he wears special box sunglasses to protect his eyes
- Has a keen sense of smell and hearing
- Large tail has the same power force as a gator
- Crosses and Holy water do Not work on him.
- Tends to feed on victims once a week to keep himself sustained and not engorged
- Extremely clean and swift with Killings and also Embalmings
- Can Scuba dive
- Has mastered to fly planes, Drive Cars, Drive Boats/ Man boats
- When in flight can break the sound barrier if in pursuit
- Pretty handy with his craftsmenship and Good at woodworking.
- Can Scuba dive
- Has mastered to fly planes, Drive Cars, Drive Boats/ Man boats
- When in flight can break the sound barrier if in pursuit
- Pretty handy with his craftsmenship and Good at woodworking.
- Photography and Nature
- Horror film buff
- Gamer with select taste in mainline story telling games with puzzles and good single player
- Historical events and conflicts
- Space and astronomy
-Storm chasing
-Mortician sciences and History
- Fandom worlds and select hubs
-Arts and Building
-Occult and Black magic
- Horror film buff
- Gamer with select taste in mainline story telling games with puzzles and good single player
- Historical events and conflicts
- Space and astronomy
-Storm chasing
-Mortician sciences and History
- Fandom worlds and select hubs
-Arts and Building
-Occult and Black magic
Details Commonly Overlooked:
- Has Crosses on his fingers
- Jackolantern Marking on chest
- Eyes are Orange with bright Blue pupils
- Ears are Not small bat ears a bit bigger then a normal flying foxes
- Back of wings are Dark colour like his dark purple colour while inner is that Red colour
- Jackolantern Marking on chest
- Eyes are Orange with bright Blue pupils
- Ears are Not small bat ears a bit bigger then a normal flying foxes
- Back of wings are Dark colour like his dark purple colour while inner is that Red colour
Earthy with hint of Mint
Soft fur with Leather Wings
Eye Color:
Inverted Purple Sclera/ Orange and Turqoise Pupils
Fluffy Tuff slicked back in a mane
Jack-o-lanturn pattern On front and Back has Trans scars
Same colour as Inner ear and Draconic in shape with a knot and gradient like his mane
Wings are optional, Ghosty patterns randomly fade and appear
Personality Type:
Cocky egotistical, Leader, Flirtatious, Snarky.
Speaking Style:
Reserved, soft spoken, Dark, Dull
Action Tags:
Camera Click, Knife shink, Clean knife, Poof bat, Scoff, Smirk, Hiss, Ah,
Verbal Tags:
Hrm?, Ah, Feck, Bitch, Shit, Oh.
Sense of Humor:
Dark and Qurky
Ghosty outfit with floating ribbons, Mortician Outfit Red and black Victorian suit, Casual gothic.
Admirable Traits:
-Keen sense of character, has always found ways to figure out a person before he got to know them.
- Very charming and likeable out the gate even with him being a tad bit anti social
- Able to be empathic to those in need for his job but outside he doesnt really care.
- Extremely smart and easy to pick up on queues along with figuring out new things.
- Able to connect with pretty much anyone who he deems respectable.
- Very charming and likeable out the gate even with him being a tad bit anti social
- Able to be empathic to those in need for his job but outside he doesnt really care.
- Extremely smart and easy to pick up on queues along with figuring out new things.
- Able to connect with pretty much anyone who he deems respectable.
Negative Traits:
- very very negative with the general populous and often hates politics and budding his nose into conflict.
- Can be a bit blunt in his words and often can be taken the wrong way
- Has a very little filter with his vulgar vocabulary
- Tends to take things a bit to far with his... prey and can become a bit vile.
- Lack of empathy outside of work.
- Can be a bit blunt in his words and often can be taken the wrong way
- Has a very little filter with his vulgar vocabulary
- Tends to take things a bit to far with his... prey and can become a bit vile.
- Lack of empathy outside of work.
Special Items:
-Buck 120 Knife is his chosen weapon during his rituals
- Kodiak camera for taking pictures of his victims and his crimescenes
-Cracked screen iphone
-Ghostface mask
-Mortician Makeup bag
-small bag of reeses pieces
-Old wallet containing his drivers ID, Tims rewards card, Transit card and business cards with a couple 5vers inside
-small bat squeaker keyring with his car keys.
- Kodiak camera for taking pictures of his victims and his crimescenes
-Cracked screen iphone
-Ghostface mask
-Mortician Makeup bag
-small bag of reeses pieces
-Old wallet containing his drivers ID, Tims rewards card, Transit card and business cards with a couple 5vers inside
-small bat squeaker keyring with his car keys.
Blood and Organs, Life force, Select veggies and Fruits
Favorite Food(s):
Reeses Pieces, Blueberry Anything, Pumpkin Anything
Favorite Book(s):
Smut magazines and National Geographic.. the odd Horror book
Favorite Color(s):
Purple and Red with Black
Favorite Place(s):
His home and office, Dark places
Home Life:
Lives in Log home in the woods deep in the rockies He Never really keeps it 100% clean. His office is full of news clippings of his killings and old film from his cameras. Has a Old vintage style kitchen with a hatch leading to his feeding basement where he brings victims he deems worthy of being food.
Inside is very mixed with rustic and Gothic style architect.
He has an amazing garden and outside with many exotic style plants and flowers.
Inside is very mixed with rustic and Gothic style architect.
He has an amazing garden and outside with many exotic style plants and flowers.
Not to many at this time.. due to him being pretty anti social
No known family that is alive