"Men have enslaved each other since they invented gods to forgive them for doing it."
Diamonds/Eyeshadow Shimmer
Eyes When Bloodthirsty
Eyes When Calm
Inner Ear/Paws
Inner Ear/Paws
Sona Character
Fan Character
5075 Years old
Body Type:
Lean by Muscular
Too many
Oil Rigger Owner
Past Occupation:
Ruler Of Egypt (Pharaoh
Back Story History:
Adams life started 5000 plus years ago when he was born from Egyptian parents. Right after his birth it was apparent that Adam was not like other mortals as the priests and shamens all predicted he was that of a prodigy from the gods. His parents knew this meant this childs life was about to get far more difficult and knew raising him was gonna be hard.
Throughout his young cub life Adam was that of a normal child, raised amongst the royal guard and his parents. However once he got closer to maturing age his body began to change, He began to have cravings of blood, allergic reactions to the hot sun and have fits of feral moments. His parents thought him ill however the priests warned this was the coming of the gods gift... and their child had to be monitored while also trained to sate those cravings and control his bloodthirst. His mother agreed and such commenced the harsh training. Over time Adam learnt to curve his cravings while also learnt to hunt and soon he was able to shift to a bat and eventually took on his true gifted form. When the people first saw this form they looked at him like some kind of god reborn.. and Adam was fast to becoming the new pharaoh of the land. From that point Adams powers grew stronger.. his body slowed in age and eventually he was hopping between empires as rulers and even bestowed his gift with a simple bite to those he deemed worthy of joining his family.
However the gift of his bite had a flaw.. Those pure of heart would suffer.. those rigged with sin.. would be granted the gift.. Gods little trick he put it.. and over the many years he accumulated an empire of vampires following under him while others.. tried to defy him. Sadly though those feets of threats and attack on him would not follow through as the dead cant kill the dead.. only the living can so it was all but amusement to him. Eventually through his decades of centuries of living.. he found a home and estate in the southern part of America. There he was able to reside with many others of his kind and continue a string of feeders to maintain their food supply.. This was all paused as mortals began to uprise against him and even the leader of the nation challenged him. War ensued with the sad outcome of Adam nearly perishing under the flames of a train wreck with his empire crumbling at his feet and the stinging burning pain of silver in his chest.. all hope seemed lost for the lord of vampires.. However he was saved by an unlikely ally. After loosing everything he found peace in the company of a ex vampire hunter who.. showed him a different outlook on mortals. He wanted to show her his people to prove to the humans that all he ever wanted was just a place in the world for his kind to thrive.. even if that meant along side mortals....
Throughout his young cub life Adam was that of a normal child, raised amongst the royal guard and his parents. However once he got closer to maturing age his body began to change, He began to have cravings of blood, allergic reactions to the hot sun and have fits of feral moments. His parents thought him ill however the priests warned this was the coming of the gods gift... and their child had to be monitored while also trained to sate those cravings and control his bloodthirst. His mother agreed and such commenced the harsh training. Over time Adam learnt to curve his cravings while also learnt to hunt and soon he was able to shift to a bat and eventually took on his true gifted form. When the people first saw this form they looked at him like some kind of god reborn.. and Adam was fast to becoming the new pharaoh of the land. From that point Adams powers grew stronger.. his body slowed in age and eventually he was hopping between empires as rulers and even bestowed his gift with a simple bite to those he deemed worthy of joining his family.
However the gift of his bite had a flaw.. Those pure of heart would suffer.. those rigged with sin.. would be granted the gift.. Gods little trick he put it.. and over the many years he accumulated an empire of vampires following under him while others.. tried to defy him. Sadly though those feets of threats and attack on him would not follow through as the dead cant kill the dead.. only the living can so it was all but amusement to him. Eventually through his decades of centuries of living.. he found a home and estate in the southern part of America. There he was able to reside with many others of his kind and continue a string of feeders to maintain their food supply.. This was all paused as mortals began to uprise against him and even the leader of the nation challenged him. War ensued with the sad outcome of Adam nearly perishing under the flames of a train wreck with his empire crumbling at his feet and the stinging burning pain of silver in his chest.. all hope seemed lost for the lord of vampires.. However he was saved by an unlikely ally. After loosing everything he found peace in the company of a ex vampire hunter who.. showed him a different outlook on mortals. He wanted to show her his people to prove to the humans that all he ever wanted was just a place in the world for his kind to thrive.. even if that meant along side mortals....
Sweet Fruit like Smell with a hint of Whiskey
Soft Plush fur
Eye Color:
Green When Calm-Red when Bloodthirsty or Angy
Brod but plush
Thick and Draconic in shape
Shapeshifts to Beastial Bat form
Personality Type:
Egotistical/Cocky, Brave, Prideful,Ruler
Speaking Style:
Formal with a hint of a Southern British Style Accent
Sense of Humor:
Has a Dark Sense of humor
Victorian style clothing with Trench coat and Cowboy Hat and boots