The son of Eleftherios Toutziaridis. Spyridon is one of the people who was possesed by a specter during his teenage years. A programmer like his father, and a bassist like her mother.
Spyridon is a superstitious programmer, a scruffy, energetic, affable man. Despite his tough appearance, Spyridon never actually got into fights, as he is usually described as a coward and rather runs away. He is the one lifting should heavy furniture appear inside the House. He excels in sciences and technology but he has a hard time with social studies and English.
Spyridon likes to joke around and he is a kind person. He is however, very superstitious (i.e. placing an evil eye symbol around himself and his room, placing salt in certain areas, avoiding the 13th number) and has a bit of an obsession with occultism. He is one of the people in the House who knows xematiasma.
He is seen as gullible since his highschool years, especially stories about urban legends, thus he might have tendencies of either exploring abandoned buildings or not getting to other places at all. This trait usually applies to more "thrilling" stories he heard and he disliked conspiracies from what he considered "nuts".
Spyridon has a large build and is 177cm (5'10"ft) tall. He has similarities on his father's clothes, the difference is Spyridon's vest has spikes and more of a crust style (Eleftherios was a regular punk). He has long dark brown ratty hair. Unlike his father, he didn't want to dye his hair. He usually wears his komboloi on his left arm and wears two pairs of earrings. He has dark circles on his eyes from occasional sleep depravity.
Spyridon likes to joke around and he is a kind person. He is however, very superstitious (i.e. placing an evil eye symbol around himself and his room, placing salt in certain areas, avoiding the 13th number) and has a bit of an obsession with occultism. He is one of the people in the House who knows xematiasma.
He is seen as gullible since his highschool years, especially stories about urban legends, thus he might have tendencies of either exploring abandoned buildings or not getting to other places at all. This trait usually applies to more "thrilling" stories he heard and he disliked conspiracies from what he considered "nuts".
Spyridon has a large build and is 177cm (5'10"ft) tall. He has similarities on his father's clothes, the difference is Spyridon's vest has spikes and more of a crust style (Eleftherios was a regular punk). He has long dark brown ratty hair. Unlike his father, he didn't want to dye his hair. He usually wears his komboloi on his left arm and wears two pairs of earrings. He has dark circles on his eyes from occasional sleep depravity.
24 (2011)
177cm (5'10")
Body Type:
Greek orthodox
7 July 1987
Other Forms:
Σπυρίδων Τουτζιαρίδης
Thessaloniki, Greece
Spyridon summons a Specter named "Antidrasi"
Spyridon was possessed by a specter when he was at his young age. As he withstood the spirit, he became bound with it and received the spectral force. His specter focuses on technology, this is connected to his programming skills.
A powerful specter, but usually rude and facetious. There are instances that it will disobey Spyridon's commands. It may also insult other people and Spyridon. The name of the specter is “Spyridon Toutziaridis’ Nanotechnological Reaction Machine”, but it is shortened as Antidrasi. Nanotechnology plays a big role in the specter.
(under construction)
Emotional Screening Device - Antidrasi’s frontal body armor will be replaced by a television screen and a part of its “skirt” is a long LCD screen to display longer text. It doesn’t consume the psyche of the user as this ability is used by Antidrasi itself to communicate/express.
Bound abilities:
Copycat - the specter "possesses" a piece of technology from inside to outside to create a copy for the "Computer World" ability.
- The blaster will appear on Spyridon's hand from upgrading the specter. Shoots out either
Summoned abilities:
Computer World - The specter can transform to any piece of technology lasting for 5 to 10 hours. In order to transform a certain piece of tech, it needs to scan a gadget or tech to be able to copy the specific object. It contains the highest specs for the current generation but no programs included. Programs are still kept in its memory when Antidrasi transformed back into a different tech.
System Down - Antidrasi "possesses" a piece of tech to cause immediate shut down.
Spyridon was possessed by a specter when he was at his young age. As he withstood the spirit, he became bound with it and received the spectral force. His specter focuses on technology, this is connected to his programming skills.
A powerful specter, but usually rude and facetious. There are instances that it will disobey Spyridon's commands. It may also insult other people and Spyridon. The name of the specter is “Spyridon Toutziaridis’ Nanotechnological Reaction Machine”, but it is shortened as Antidrasi. Nanotechnology plays a big role in the specter.
(under construction)
Emotional Screening Device - Antidrasi’s frontal body armor will be replaced by a television screen and a part of its “skirt” is a long LCD screen to display longer text. It doesn’t consume the psyche of the user as this ability is used by Antidrasi itself to communicate/express.
Bound abilities:
Copycat - the specter "possesses" a piece of technology from inside to outside to create a copy for the "Computer World" ability.
- The blaster will appear on Spyridon's hand from upgrading the specter. Shoots out either
Summoned abilities:
Computer World - The specter can transform to any piece of technology lasting for 5 to 10 hours. In order to transform a certain piece of tech, it needs to scan a gadget or tech to be able to copy the specific object. It contains the highest specs for the current generation but no programs included. Programs are still kept in its memory when Antidrasi transformed back into a different tech.
System Down - Antidrasi "possesses" a piece of tech to cause immediate shut down.
Helping people, old games/movies (around 90s or below), comedy and action movies, science, tech, Watching TV, gaming
crust punk, metal, entechno
crust punk, metal, entechno
Details Commonly Overlooked:
His main motifs are eyes.
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Αντιδραση, Ξεχασμενη Προφητεια, Χαοτικο Τελος, Ναυτια, Χειμερια Ναρκη, Axegrinder, Sacrilege, Doom, Nausea, Bolt Thrower
Eye Color:
Wavy light brown hair
Personality Type:
ESFP, Caregiver
Speaking Style:
Heavy Greek accent, talkative
Action Tags:
playing his komboloi
Mix of metal and crust punk
Admirable Traits:
Energetic, kind, helpful
Negative Traits:
Cowardly, superstitious, gullible, scruffy
“Spyridon feels as warm as the sun", like what Sotiris said to him. Spyridon's hair is thick, messy, wavy, his friends want to touch it. He always wears more loose, comfortable, and more practical clothes than most of his friends. Whenever he watches a comedy movie or he hears something funny, he laughs louder than his friends. Spyridon, like his father, is also a hairy person.
Spyridon frequently plays his red komboloi when he has nothing to do. He ALWAYS has his komboloi with him. He believes that bringing it "protects him from evil spirits", besides he needs something to calm himself down. There are times that he prays even with his friends. There is usually a notebook (some of it actually contains prayers rather than spells) and some charms on his pockets as he thinks it's for "protection from evil". He also brings a handheld game when he goes outside. If he speaks in English, he has a heavy accent. Spyridon is a messy eater and would take a large bite.
Spyridon frequently plays his red komboloi when he has nothing to do. He ALWAYS has his komboloi with him. He believes that bringing it "protects him from evil spirits", besides he needs something to calm himself down. There are times that he prays even with his friends. There is usually a notebook (some of it actually contains prayers rather than spells) and some charms on his pockets as he thinks it's for "protection from evil". He also brings a handheld game when he goes outside. If he speaks in English, he has a heavy accent. Spyridon is a messy eater and would take a large bite.
Special Items:
Red Komboloi
Bad Habits:
Spyridon tends to eat more than his friends and eats faster than them. Spyridon is quite messy in organization and looks scruffy. He has a habit of sending chain mails as he thought that bad things would happen if he didn't continue the chain. Sometimes at night, he can be seen watching TV or playing games for a long time and sleeps between 12am-1am and wakes up early.
Pet Peeves:
- Sotiris being clingy
- Chrysanthe watching horror movies
- Chrysanthe watching horror movies
Favorite Food(s):
Souvlaki, Baklava, Bougatsa
Favorite Book(s):
He doesn't read much, probably manga or comics
Favorite Color(s):
Favorite Place(s):
White Tower (Thessaloniki), Chortiatis mountains
Friends from university
Athina Moustaka
Vasiliki Grammatikopoulou
Friends from the Phantoms
Sotiris Athanasiadis
Pantelis Tolis
Kyrillos Kritikos
Chrysanthe Argyrou
Athina Moustaka
Vasiliki Grammatikopoulou
Friends from the Phantoms
Sotiris Athanasiadis
Pantelis Tolis
Kyrillos Kritikos
Chrysanthe Argyrou
Tryfon Toutziaridis (older brother)
Eleftherios Toutziaridis (father)
Afroditi Toutziaraki (mother)
Trifon Toutziaridis (paternal grandfather)
Agni H. (paternal grandmother)
Spiridon Toutziarakis (maternal grandfather)
Magda B. (maternal grandmother)
Eleftherios Toutziaridis (father)
Afroditi Toutziaraki (mother)
Trifon Toutziaridis (paternal grandfather)
Agni H. (paternal grandmother)
Spiridon Toutziarakis (maternal grandfather)
Magda B. (maternal grandmother)
Nano-Technological spectral force
Neutral good