"Let's see what I've got for you"
- Fanarts allowed, (as long as original creator is credited).
- No RP (Role Play)!
- No usage and/or obstruction of background lore.
- No Stealing! (DUH!)
Close Friends
Voe and Dixie share a weird sort of relationship. Dixie visits the Horschiffe Diner on some week mornings to deliver goods, but Voe sometimes distracts her to stay. Voe is a little pushy and confusing on Dixie's behalf, but she's ill to admit her secret love for her.
Body Type:
Small and stubby, but leaning towards average for her race
Delivers goods and items to restaurants across town
Past Occupation:
Tomato harvester
- Work force
- Goods and services
- Faith
- Gardening
- Farming
- Reading
- Harvesting
- Farming/gardening
- Delivering goods
- Treating customers with respect and kindness
- Has a knack for harvesting the best tomatoes
- Deals well with distractions, (well, most of them anyways)
- Good at balancing objects
- Good at communication whenever necessary
- Friendly whenever necessary
Soft, snow goblins tend to have a subtle coating of hairs in most areas, nearly undetectable
Hair Style:
Fluffy and messy, typically covered up by her hood
Ears> arced upward in a jagged crescent shape
Personality Type:
Giddy, Shy, Innocent
Speaking Style:
High-pitched, but soft and only pronounced when needed
Verbal Tags:
"Ahoy!", "Delivery-!"
Sense of Humor:
Very casual and not often used
Everything has a purpose to serve. We must use that to keep ourselves and our communities aligned
Preferred Clothing:
Girl scout-esque uniforms, stresses most about her hair being exposed
Admirable Traits:
- Goal oriented
- Giddy and cheerful
- Cute
- Expressive
Negative Traits:
- Easily scared
- Afraid of change
- Doesn't like to adventure much or try new things
- Freaks out in new environments/situations
- Has severe anxiety when it comes to being in new situations
- Has a friend/enemy relationship with Voe
- Easily distracted by Voe's behavior
Bad Habits:
- Has a bit of a rough schedule
- Doesn't pay much attention to time
- Taking too much advantage of her break periods
Pet Peeves:
- Change
- Maneuvering in tight spaces with her cargo
Vegan to a degree, but will participate in feasts on certain days
Favorite Foods:
Tomatoes and carrots, Despelgon style Split Pea soup
Favorite Books:
The Lady Of The Pepper Garden
Favorite Colors:
Satin brown, white
Favorite Places:
The local food places
Home Life:
Lives in a large triplex home in the center of town, raised by her father and his dad. She works from 6:00am-2:00pm delivering goods from the central marketplace to the cafes and restaurants on the more northern sides of town. When she arrives back at home, her grandpa usually takes her to eat somewhere while her dad's off doing his job. The rest of the time she has is spent cleaning and lounging mostly.
Her grandpa, Voe, Wylie, and Rivick
Father: Wes, Grandfather: Braseph
Featured character of Maarzkid's
4th September, 1572